標題: 中國水墨工筆畫之花卉合成
The Synthesis of Chinese Fine-Brushwork Painting for flower
作者: 何怡緯
Yi-Wei Ho
Zen-Chung Shih
關鍵字: 非擬真;中國水墨工筆畫;渲染;紅豆筆;毛筆;勾勒;填彩;NPR;Chinese Painting;Chinese Fine-Brushwork Painting;brush;washing;stroke;coloring
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 工筆畫自盛唐以來即佔中國水墨畫中一重要席次,相對於寫意畫重意境,工筆畫則強調細緻和寫實與色彩的應用,而工筆畫中主要分成人物畫和花鳥畫。本篇論文即著重於工筆花鳥畫中花卉的畫法,輸入一張花朵的照片,經過與使用者互動的模式,模擬出工筆畫中最重要的兩個步驟—勾勒和填彩。勾勒方面,透過抓取影像的輪廓資訊,系統可以自動的產生出毛筆勾邊的效果。而填彩則利用假想的畫家運筆路徑來模擬顏料的流動,並仿造工筆畫中多層渲染的技法。經由以上兩道步驟,不需瞭解繁複的水墨畫技巧,也可以簡單的產生出含有工筆風格的繪畫。
The Chinese Fine-Brushwork Painting gets more and more important in the traditional Chinese Ink Painting since Tang Dynasty. Compared to Free Style Chinese Ink Painting, the Fine-Brushwork Painting puts emphasis on painting realistic, detailed, and the use of colors. It consists of two major categories: one is the Birds and Flowers Painting and the other is the Figure Painting. In this thesis, we focus on the flowers drawing in the former category. In our system, we simulate two important processes, sketching the contour(勾勒) and coloring (填彩). Input a photo of flower. We apply the brush strokes to the outline and simulate the pigment’s flowing paths to imitate multi-level coloring. Therefore, users may generate Fine-Brushwork Painting style easily by using our system without any painting skill.


  1. 353901.pdf

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