標題: 經由概念圖觀摩和互連輔助自我覺察
The Concept Map Modeling and Interconnection do Help Promote Self-awareness
作者: 鄭喬文
Chiao-Wen Cheng
Chuen-Tsai Sun
關鍵字: 回饋;概念圖;同儕互評;後設認知;自我覺察;concept maps;feedback;peer-assessment;meta-cognition;self-awareness
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本研究主要是透過建構概念圖的方式,來探討同儕互評所給予的回饋是否有助於自我覺察的發展為討論的主體。透過社會心理學中的「鏡中自我」(Looking-Glass Self)理論,利用在網路的環境下,讓學生經由概念圖建構系統觀摩其他同儕的概念,並自行選擇對象相互連接、評選,進而修改。利用同儕間透過相互的評選的過程中得到的回饋,觀察學生在得到的不同的回饋品質對自我覺察能力的影響,以及重視同儕間的評語程度對自我覺察程度的影響。 根據實驗分析結果,除了證明本研究的模組架構可以檢視自我覺察的程度之外,更可證實,高品質的回饋對自我覺察的提升越有幫助,對於同儕給的評語也越在意往往都是屬於高覺察能力者。經過同儕的回饋的作用,學生在課程概念上的自我覺察程度均有明顯的提昇,也證實了利用概念圖建構的方式對部份學生覺查對課程概念的不足是有幫助的。
This research, conducted mainly through constructing concept maps, seeks to probe whether or not the given feedback of peer-assessment can facilitate the development of self-awareness. Through the theory of Looking-Glass Self, placed in the Internet environment, students are asked to observe others’ notions by concept maps construction system, then freely choose one to interconnect, elect, and modify. The feedback in the process of peer-assessment are used to inspect the influence on each student’s self-awareness ability as they get different qualities of feedback, and how much their valuing the peer-judgments influences their levels of self-awareness. According to the analytic result of experiment, the modular framework of this research do help to survey the level of self-awareness; what’s more, the high-quality feedback are more likely to boost self-awareness. Also, those who comparatively care more about peer-assessment belong usually to the highly aware group. By way of feedback from peers, students’ levels of self-awareness are evidently elevated, which at the same time proves that it is rather helpful to use concept maps construction to help students realize their lack of concepts in the curriculum.


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