標題: 熱極化二階非線性光纖特性之研究
A study on the second-order optical nonlinearity of thermally poled optical fibers
作者: 吳金水
Ng Kam Sooi (Jimmy Ng)
Yinchieh Lai
關鍵字: 熱極化;二階非線性;D-shape光纖;thermal poling;second-order nonlinearity;D-shape fiber
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 矽玻璃因具有低損耗、便宜、耐高強度光、和可能與光纖相容等優點,使它成為光電子領域中主要的應用物質。不過因為矽破璃具反轉對稱性,故無二階非線性光學特性。在本論文中我們研究如何利用熱極化的方法來在D-shape光纖中產生二階非線性效應,也在初步的實驗中成功地觀測到由1064 nm波長的入射光轉換成532 nm波長光的二次倍頻現象。
Silica glass is an important material in optoelectronics because of its low transmission loss, low fabrication cost, high optical damage threshold and possible optical fiber compatibility. However, silica glass is also a material with macroscopic inversion symmetry, which means that it does not exhibit second-order nonlinearity. In this thesis study we investigate how to achieve second-order nonlinearity in silica glass D-shape optical fibers by means of the thermal poling method. Second harmonic generation from 1064nm to 532nm is observed in our preliminary experiments.


  1. 453901.pdf

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