標題: 高能微中子簇射模擬
Simulations of showers arising from high energy neutrinos
作者: 洪瑜隆
Yu-Lung Hung
Guey-Lin Lin
關鍵字: 微中子;neutrinos
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本文主要探討由三種高能微中子,GZK微中子(Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin neutrinos),AGN活躍星系核微中子(Active Galactic Nuclei neutrinos) 以及GRB微中子(Gamma Ray Burst neutrinos)來源的微中子所引發簇射(Shower)現象,討論偵測器主要測量能量區域以及主要偵測的方位,還有如何區分不同的微中子訊號來源。本文也對蒙地卡羅方法在高能微中子的運用有所研究,這裡模擬的偵測區域DSR(Detector Sensitivity Region),其幾何形狀為一球形,球心設置在地底下半徑六公里深處,球半徑為一公里,DSR內介質分岩鹽(rocksalt),和水這兩種不同介質,進行高能微中子引發簇射的模擬,DSR外部的仍依照地球標準模型決定密度。
This essay is about the Shower phenomenon caused by Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin neutrions, Active Galactic Nuclei neutrinos and Gamman Ray Burst neutrions. It presents the main energy area measured and directions detected by the detector and tell different message sources apart. Also,the application of Monte-carlo method to high-energy neutrinos is researched. Our DSR(Detector Sensitivity Region) of the simulation. that geometry of shape is sphere. Which center located under the ground six kilometers and it’s radius is one kilometer. We discus two mediums rocksalt and water inside the DSR simulating shower caused by high energy neutrions. And outside the DSR is according to standard density model of the earth.


  1. 750801.pdf

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