標題: 個人屬性、人格特質對工作激勵因子與組織公民行為關聯性研究
A Study of The Relationships among Personal Attributes and Personality Traits to Job Motivation Factors and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
作者: 許家源
Chia-Yuan Hsu
Dr. Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 內滋與外附激勵因子;人格特質;組織公民行為;intrinsic and extrinsic factors;personality traits;OCB
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 企業變革學者 J. Stewart Black & Hal B. Gregersen曾說過大部分領導人都很擅長運用金錢誘因,但是這樣的誘因所費不貲且無法保證是否可以因此達成變革目標;然而,其他的現成獎勵也可以發揮同樣的效果,甚至比傳統的金錢誘因更能激勵人心。雖然每個人在某種程度上都可以被激勵,但由於需求不盡相同,激勵效果也未必一致,所以現在的企業才要花時間與精力去瞭解關鍵人物的需求,以便找出對這些人最有效的激勵因子。此外,企業對於員工的培育也是要看員工本身的接受程度,不同的人格特質的人會有不同的感受,若能找對人更達到人人皆想主動出擊幫公司爭取更高福祉的組織公民行為,對企業來說方為一大要事。因此,本研究的主要目的歸納分述如下: (1)利用Herzberg的激勵雙因子(內滋及外附因子),探討何種激勵方式對於高科技產業的員工較有偏好。 (2)藉由員工對於激勵因子的滿足程度來了解與組織公民行為表現的關聯性。 (3)從人格特質觀點探討與激勵因子的交互作用關係對其組織公民行為的影響情形。 本研究總共回收265份有效問卷,在資料收集過程中,是採行便利抽樣的方式來進行,調查在不同的激勵方式之下對員工造成的組織公民行為表現之影響,最終得到以下的研究結果: (1)員工在心中的重要性前三名排名依序是專業知識的學習、有退休金和保險給付、工 作時的滿足感覺,前二者是屬外附激勵,後者是屬內滋激勵。 (2)在9種不同的激勵方式之其中5種,與自我充實的組織公民行為關聯性最大且皆為 正相關。 (3)人格特質與內滋激勵因子僅對不生事爭利和協助同事構面有交互作用影響,而人格 特質與外附激勵因子則對組織公民行為構面皆有交互作用。
Although everyone can be somehow motivated, the final consequence is not consistency because everyone demands are not the same. Therefore, business managers need to spend much time and energy to find out key one’s demand and then to satisfy them. Because everyone has different personality traits and acceptance, business must inspect their traits and acceptance and then input right motivation to them. The research has three purposes as followed: (1) Using Herzberg’s intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors to explore what motivations employees in high technical industry prefer. (2) Understanding the relationship between satisfied degree of motivations from employees and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). (3) Exploring how the interaction of motivation factors and personality traits influences OCB. The number of useful questionnaires this research collected is 265. During the period of data collecting, this research uses convenience sampling to investigate how different motivations effect employees’ OCB exhibited. Eventually, we obtained results as below: (1) The three most important factors in employees’ mind show in order as professional knowledge learning, retirement and insurance paying, and job satisfaction. The first two factors are extrinsic factors, and the last one is intrinsic. (2) Five of nine different motivations highly relate to OCB of self-substantial, and each to OCB of self-substantial has most positive relationship. (3) Personality traits and intrinsic motivation factors interact with OCB only on two conditions including no making trouble, no striving wealth and assisting colleagues. In other hand, extrinsic motivation factors always interact with OCB.