標題: 以破壞性創新與科技產品行銷理論分析網路電話之創新模式-Skype 與Yahoo BB個案研究
From The Disruptive Innovation And High-Tech Product Marketing Perspectives to Explore VoIP Innovation Model -Skype & Yahoo BB As Examples
作者: 蔡岳均
朱博湧 教教
Dr. Chi-Kuo Mao
Dr. Po-Young Chu
關鍵字: 破壞性創新;科技產品行銷理論;跨越鴻溝;disruptive innovation;High-Tech Product Marketing;Cross Chasm
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本研究以個案研究進行網路電話創新模式之分析。以克里斯汀生的破壞性創新與摩爾的科技產品行銷理論做為其理論的框架,深入的探討網路電話不同的創新模式-虛擬網路營運者-Skype與日本的間接接取網路電話營運者-Yahoo BB。
,會受到外在環境的牽引與內在核心能力的前進在兩股力量的拉扯。在外緣內因條件成熟下,市場的挑戰者方能成為市場的主流。Skype乃在市場環境逐漸成熟的情況下,藉著標準化的產品-網際網路的應用進行跨越鴻溝的顛覆模式。而日本的Yahoo BB是在寬頻環境尚未成熟的環境,一次提供完整產品的服務-平台(ADSL)綁應用(BB Phone)切入市場。
This research is a case study based on the theory of Disruptive Innovation and High-tech product Marketing to investigate the innovative model adopted by the VoIP virtual net operator - Skype and the VoIP indirect access arrive provide-Japanese Yahoo BB.
By studying this case, we can draw several points. First, the successful innovator must value the opportunity from the outside environment and develop the core competency to overcome the challenges encountered. Secondly, the disruptive innovators need to adopt asymmetric innovation model toe expand their market. Lastly, the thesis helps us understand competitive factor between different phases and make strategy to cross chasm.
It comes to some conclusions as bellows: First, following market trends, creating infinite opportunities. Second, understanding competitive relationship, creating growth power. Third, building positive feedback, creating sustainable development.


  1. 152101.pdf

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