Title: 品牌體驗對品牌延伸評價之影響
The Effects of Brand Experience on the Evaluation of Brand Extensions
Authors: 簡孝盈
Dr. Jen-Hung Huang
Keywords: 品牌體驗;品牌延伸;Brand experience;Brand extension
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 伴隨新經濟時代的來臨,消費者的選擇似乎更加多樣化,因此當各競爭產品的功能日趨一致時,品牌帶給顧客的成功體驗就成了創造忠誠度與滿意度的新工具,也是新世紀決勝的關鍵點,更重要的是其與企業進行的品牌延伸計畫有更多相輔相成的效果。 本研究以五家頗具品牌知名度的連鎖餐廳為研究對象,採問卷調查之實證研究方式,針對個人品牌體驗、共享品牌體驗對品牌延伸之評價進行研究,以供餐廳業者作為未來行銷計畫進行時的參考依據。本研究主要結論如下: 1. 延伸產品與既有產品之契合度對品牌延伸產品評價有顯著影響效果。 2. 在契合度高的延伸產品上: 感官體驗、情感體驗、行動體驗、關聯體驗對契合度高的延伸產品評價皆具有正面且顯著的影響效果,思考體驗則沒有顯著的影響效果。 3. 在契合度低的延伸產品上: 感官體驗、思考體驗、行動體驗對契合度低的延伸產品評價皆具有正面且顯著的影響效果,情感體驗、關聯體驗則沒有顯著的影響效果。 4. 品牌體驗交互作用對品牌延伸評價之影響: 部分的品牌個人體驗與共享體驗對延伸產品之評價具有顯著的交互作用。 5. 其他體驗搭配形式雖然交互作用未達顯著水準,但餐廳業者若能適當的運用不同體驗的搭配豐富品牌體驗,亦能夠有效提昇品牌延伸之評價。
With the coming of the new economy, there are more choices for consumers. So, when all competitive products have much less differences, a much more successful experience the brand have brought to their customers seems to be a new approach to build up customer’s loyalty and satisfaction. And it is also a critical point to win in the new century. The most important is that the offering of brand experience can complement with the ongoing brand extensions. This research has adopted questionnaire investigation of experiment proof study method. Five chain restaurants with famous brand names are included in this study to discusse the effects of brand experiences on the evalution of brand extensions.The findings are as follows: 1. The effect of fitting between the extensive products and the existing products is siginifacant. 2. Among high fitting extension: □ Except thinking experience, the influences of sense, feeling, acting, and relating experience on the evalution of brand extensions are significant. 3. Among low fitting extension: □ Except feeling and relating experience, the influences of sense, thinking, and acting experience on the evalution of brand extensions are significant. 4. The interactive effects among brand experience: □ Only parts of the brand experience have effects on the evalution of brand extensions. 5. The proprietors of chain restaurants must devote on providing different kinds of experiences to promote the evalution of brand extensions more than a single experience.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文