Title: 企業社會表現對求職者吸引力之影響-以個人價值觀為中介變項
The Effects of Corporate Social Performance on Organizational Attractiveness to to Potential Job Applicants -Individual’s Values as mediating variables
Authors: 陳雨婕
Yu-Jie Chen
Yau-De Wang
Keywords: 企業社會表現;組織吸引力;價值觀;corporate social performance;organizational attractiveness;values
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 本研究旨在探討企業社會表現對潛在求職者的吸引力之影響,以企業在環境保護(高度、低度)、社區關係(高度、低度)、對待女性和少數族群(高度、低度)此三個社會責任議題上支持的高、低程度定義為企業社會表現,設計成2 × 2 × 2共8個不同的企業會議決策故事進行操弄。96 位大學生在閱讀過每一家的會議紀錄後,評量對不同企業的董事會所做決策的同意程度、該企業對受試者的吸引力以及對該企業的整體評分。結果發現,企業在這三個議題的社會責任表現,對潛在求職者對於企業董事會所做決策的同意程度、吸引力以及整體評分之主效果皆呈現顯著,受試者對企業在環保、社區及女性和少數族群議題的關心與貢獻大致持同意的看法,但當企業對此三議題皆支持時,政治型價值高的求職者對此類企業董事會決策的同意程度及整體評分會低於非政治型的求職者,此類企業對政治型求職者的吸引力也較低,顯示政治型者相對於非政治型者對企業社會責任的關心程度較低;當企業對此三議題皆不支持時,宗教型價值觀高的求職者對此類企業董事會決策的同意程度及整體評分會低於非宗教型求職者,此類企業對宗教型者的吸引力也會較低。
The purpose of study was to investigate the effects of corporate social performance on organization attractiveness. Eight scenarios of a company’s profile were constructed by three dimensions: environmental protection (high, low) ,community relations(high, low), treatment of female and minorities(high, low). We used eight scenarios ,each manifesting either a high or a low concern about every one of the three indicators, to describe the social responsibility performance of eight different companies. Ninety-six college students assessed their extent of agreement with the board’s decision after reading each of the eight scenarios. They also rated the companies’ attractiveness should they come to apply for a job from the companies. The results indicated that the main effects of three dimensions were significant. The company performing well on all three dimensions generated the greatest attraction for the potential job seekers. Furthermore, a good performance on overall social responsibility attracted less the subjects whose value systems anchored on power and politics and more the subjects whose values oriented toward religious matters.
Appears in Collections:Thesis