標題: 探討可靠度集中維護方法於軌道維護策略之應用─以台北捷運高運量電聯車系統為例
Applying Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) for Railway System Maintenance in Taiwan -- An Example of Electric Multiple Unit System of TRTC
作者: 林忠漢
關鍵字: 可靠度集中維護;軌道維護管理;參照單位分析;錯誤樹分析;失效模式和影響與嚴重度分析;派翠網路;Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM);fault tree analysis (FTA);failure modes, effects and criticality analysis (FMECA);Petri net;maintenance management
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 隨著各縣市捷運之陸續興建與即將完工通車之高速鐵路,軌道運輸在我國整體運輸網路之功能日形重要,與民眾的關係也將更加密切。大眾運輸系統之使用首重安全,唯有在安全性確保的情況下,民眾方能安心地搭乘,軌道運輸也才能發揮其運量大、速度快、低污染的優勢。維護是影響軌道系統安全的主要因素,好的維護管理不但可以增進營運生產力,更可讓維護資源有效運用,減少軌道營運者之成本。目前國內軌道系統維護之作法仍採取傳統的預防性維修(Preventive Maintenance),該作法在維護資源的運用上缺乏效率。這對於未來國內軌道事業邁入民營化之後,額外的維護成本將會導致缺乏競爭力,不利於軌道事業的經營。 因此,本研究引進可靠度集中維護(Reliability-Centered maintenance,RCM)於軌道系統維護管理中。RCM 起源於航空業,是兼顧成本與安全考量的維修方式。本研究運用參照單位分析(Ridit)、錯誤樹分析(FTA)和失效模式、影響與嚴重度分析(FMECA)找出台北捷運電聯車系統的維修關鍵項目(Maintenance Significant Item,MSI),並依據嚴重度矩陣(Criticality Matrix)決定維修工作的執行優先順序,最後建構維修流程的派翠網路(Petri Net)進行模擬,決定出合適之維修策略,以作為我國未來軌道系統維護管理之參考。 研究結果顯示,捷運電聯車系統應優先處理的關鍵維護項目共有五項:煞車夾持器、煞車制動器、空壓機、主懸吊彈簧、固定座。本研究基於人力與時間上的限制,以及維護參數搜集上的困難,僅對其中四者(固定座除外)進行維護策略模擬。模擬結果顯示,就更換間隔而言,四者均有再向上提升的空間;就檢修間隔而言,除致動器應加以提升外,其餘三者均應加以縮短。此外,模擬結果亦指出針對關鍵維護項目制定維護策略,的確能有效降低電聯車系統風險以符合安全 上的要求,顯示出可靠度集中維護方法適用於軌道系統安全分析,且有助於提升未來國內的軌道系統維護觀念。
Maintenance determines not only the safety performance but also the operation Cost for railway transportation. Traditionally, the facility maintenance has been considered for preventive purpose for the railway industry in Taiwan. Preventive maintenance is thought to be an ineffective strategy in the viewpoint of resource management. This research tries to study the potential of applying the concept of Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) to maintain the facilities of railway system. For empirical study purpose, Ridit analysis, the fault tree analysis (FTA) and the failure modes, effects and criticality analysis (FMECA) are conducted to find out the maintenance significant item (MSI) of the Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) system of Taipei Rapid Transit Company. It is expected to help determining the maintenance priority among items through the criticality matrix. Finally, the Petri Net simulation is conducted to develop appropriate maintenance strategy of EMU system. The results of this study will provide valuable reference for the maintenance management of railway system in Taiwan. Our study shows that there are five MSIs with higher priority in EMU system:Brake Caliper, Brake Activator, Air Supply Equipment, Conical Rubber Axle Spring, Anchorage (This MSI doesn’t conduct simulation). The simulation result of the maintenance strategy shows that the replace interval of these MSIs should increase; the checking interval of Brake Activator should increase but that of the others should decrease. Finally, this study points out that RCM is applicable in analyzing the railway system safety and it can lower the risk effectively to satisfy the safety requirement of railway system. This will help to upgrade the maintenance concept of railway system in the future.


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