Title: 技術移轉之商業模式
Business Aspects of Technology Transfer
Authors: 吳致頡
Wu Chih-Chieh
Yu Hsiao-Cheng
Keywords: 技術移轉;技術授權者;技術被授權者;技術授權;技術評估;Technology Transfer;Technology Licensor;Technology Licensee;Technology Licensing;Technology Assess
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 研發人員在開發技術時往往是「重復嘗試」或是「邊做邊學」,持續投入時間、金錢與人力,然而內部研發通常是費時較久且投資甚鉅。因此企業會透過技術移轉的方式讓公司在短時間內引進所需要的技術資源。 過去的技術移轉文獻多探討技術需求者(技術被授權者)的需求及考量要素,而相對缺乏技術供給者(技術授權者)的探討。本論文針對此種缺憾,同時探討技術供給者及技術需求者的需求與考量因素。 本論文整理技術移轉考量的相關文獻,試圖找出技術移轉的規劃策略與執行方法,以技術供給者與技術需求者的角度來思考技術移轉所應注意的關鍵因素,期望增加技術移轉成功的機會,提供國人在進行技術移轉或授權時能有所參考。 本論文包含以下主要議題:(1)在搜尋技術時所應考量的因素;(2)技術移轉的模式;(3)技術商品化;(4)技術評估及付費機制;(5)技轉收授雙方於技術移轉時應考量因素及(6)技術移轉前、中、後期所應注意之事項。
Internal R&D generally requires large capital investment and long development time. However, technology transfer from outside not only reduces risk of development failure but can access technology quickly. This thesis studied the objectives and concerns from both the perspectives of technology licensors and licensees. The purpose of this study was to summarize a comprehensive list of check points to increase the chance of success of a technology transfer project. The following subjects were discussed in this thesis: (1) Principles in the survey of available technologies; (2) Models of technology transfer; (3) Success factors for technology commercialization; (4) Value of technology assets and paying mechanisms; (5) Critical factors in technology transfer; (6) Issues to be addressed before, during, and after technology transfer.
Appears in Collections:Thesis