標題: 影響政府新產品開發專案績效之關鍵投入因素—以主導性新產品開發輔導計畫為研究對象
The Influence of Critical Input Factors on the Performance of the Government New Product Development Project –A Case of the Program for Assistance in the Development of New Leading Products
作者: 陳國樑
Kwo-Liang Chen
Pao-Long Chang
關鍵字: 新產品開發;專案績效;補助政策;logit迴歸;tobit迴歸;New product development;Project performance;Subsidies policy;Logit regression;Tobit regression
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 本研究主要在探討影響政府新產品開發專案績效關鍵投入因素,並以主導性新產品開發輔導為研究對象。在績效指標選擇方面,本研究從產業國際競爭力觀點,以研發人員生產力及新產品成功商品化為績效指標;在影響因素方面,由投入因素的觀點出發,探討投入因素對專案績效的影響。 研究結果,在以研發人員生產力為績效衡量指標的tobit迴歸模型,發現六項投入因素中,以碩士以上比例、自籌款及執行專案之經驗三項達顯著水準。另由企業規模來看,中小企業呈顯著影響之投入因素有配合款、補助款、自籌款、碩士以上比例、執行專案經驗等五項。大型企業僅自籌款、碩士以上比例呈現顯著。政府之補助款及配合款對大型企業雖無顯著影響,但補助款與自籌款有顯著正相關,顯示政府的研發補助措施,對大型企業仍具參與新產品開發的誘因。此外,以產業類別來看,金屬機械業、民生化工業之配合款、補助款、自籌款,企業規模,碩士以上比例、執行專案經驗六項投入因素為顯著。資訊電子業則為自籌款,企業規模,碩士以上比例、執行專案經驗四項投入因素呈顯著。資訊電子業之配合款、補助款雖未顯著,但補助款與自籌款有顯著正相關,顯示政府的研發補助措施,對資訊電子仍具有參與新產品開發的誘因。 在以新產品開發是否成功商品化為績效的logit迴歸模型中發現,自籌款、企業規模、研發人數、碩士以上比例的四項投入因素均為顯著。由企業規模來看,中小企業之配合款、補助款、自籌款、研發人數、碩士以上比例、執行專案經驗六項投入因素呈顯著。大型企業之自籌款、研發人數、碩士以上比例等投入因素呈顯著。大型企業之配合款、補助款雖未顯著,但由補助坎與自籌款具顯著正相關,表示政府的補助措施,對大型企業仍具有參與投資新產品開發的誘因。以產業類別來看,金屬機械業、民生化工業之配合款,補助款、自籌款、企業規模、研發人數、碩士以上比例、執行專案經驗七項投入因素呈顯著。資訊電子業之自籌款、企業規模、研發人數、碩士以上比例四項投入因素呈顯著。資訊電子業之配合款,補助款雖未顯著,但由政府補助款與自籌款具顯著正相關,表示政府的補助措施,對資訊電子業仍具有參與投資新產品開發的誘因。
The purpose of this study is explore the effect of the Regulation Governing Assistance in the Development of New Leading Product (RGADNLP) on firm’s R&D personnel productivity and to investigate the variables influencing new products, which were developed in RGADNLP and have been introduced to market and sold successfully. The result shows that the R&D personnel productivity in firms emploed Tobit model was influenced by the ratio of R&D personnel with master degree of higher;self-provided financing;firm participated RGADNLP projects experience. The research also shows that the impact of government subsidies(interest-free loans and grants) do not have a direct effect on large-sized enterprises, but it does have a direct effect on small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Besides, this research also indicates that the more R&D experiences in RGADNLP projects, the more positive impact will be generated on the productivity of R&D personnel in small and medium enterprises. Meanwhile, the result for the variables influencing new products the variables influencing new products used Logit model indicated that self-provided funds, firm size, number of R&D personnel, and the ratio of master's degree holders or higher, were statistically significant. The impact of government subsidies (interest-free loans and grants) did not have a direct effect on large-sized enterprises, but had a direct effect on SMEs. Besides, the more R&D experiences in RGADNLP, the more positive impacts were generated on the successful market introduction and sales of new products in SMEs, metal and mechanics industries, consumer goods and chemical industries. Regarding the type of industries, government subsidies did not have an obvious effect on information and electronics industries, but was very helpful to the metal and mechanics industries, consumer goods and chemical industries, which are mainly focused on OEM operations.


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