標題: 訓練成效研究:以台電公司環境管理系統訓練為例
A Study of Effectiveness of Training: with Environmental Management System Training of Taiwan Power Company as Example
作者: 潘秉恕
Bing- Shu Pan
Chyr-Gwo Mau
關鍵字: 訓練成效評估;訓練滿意度;類實驗法;訓練需求分析;個人分析;raining effectiveness evaluation;Training satisfaction;Quasi-experimental design;Training needs analysis;Personal analysis
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 訓練成效評估攸關企業訓練的有效性,並影響企業投入訓練資源的決策,但一般訓練成效評估僅調查學員的滿意度,即使測驗學員習得知識、技能的程度,仍因未進行前測或設定控制組以排除內部效度威脅,不能真實反應訓練的成效。 為發展一套易於施行於企業環境的訓練成效評估工具及程序,檢驗特定訓練方式之成效,並探討先前經驗、資歷、性別等可能影響受訓成效之因素,本研究以類實驗法進行研究,並以參加台電公司環境管理系統內部稽核員訓練40名員工為實驗組樣本,進行訓練前測及後測,以檢定受訓學員在訓練相關題目答對率是否有顯著進步,同時以同一組樣本但以訓練無關題目之答對率差異作為控制組,以排除其他非因訓練而造成進步之可能解釋,並以相依樣本t檢定及相關係數進行分析,獲得研究結果如下: 一、 受訓學員在訓練相關題答對率後測較前測有顯著進步,但在作為控制之無關題答對率則無顯著差異,證實訓練之有效性; 二、 本研究所發展之訓練成效評估工具及程序在企業環境之限制下確實可行; 三、 學員無擔任稽核員之經驗較有經驗者對「教材內容難易度適中」及「訓練方式能增進學習效果」之同意程度較高; 四、 受訓學員工作年資越長則在知識之學習效果上越差; 五、 學員對訓練之滿意度與知識之學習效果無顯著相關。 本研究於實務意涵上則建議企業訓練可採用上述程序及工具以檢驗訓練之有效性,作為企業投入訓練資源決策之參考,並將學員是否具有相關工作經驗及年資等因素,納入訓練需求分析中之個人分析,以調整訓練對象之設定、及訓練設計、訓練方式等之規劃,以最大化企業訓練成效。
Training evaluation is relevant to the effectiveness of organizational training, and has impact to the decision of training resources planning. However, most of training evaluation has only conduct the survey of trainee satisfaction, and even some has include the measuring of learned knowledge and skill, due to lack of pretest or control group to eliminate the threat of internal validate of training evaluation design, the true effectiveness of training still remain unknown. For the purpose of developing an easily facilitated training evaluation tool and procedure, and finding the influence of trainee characteristics as former experience, tenure and sex, on the learning outcomes, this study used quasi-experimental design as research method, and took 40 trainee of the environmental management system internal auditor training of Taiwan Power Company as experiment subjects. To eliminating the alternative explanation of training effectiveness, this study not only has conduct pretest, and also measured the trainee’s knowledge of untrained but relevant content as control. The data has been analyzed using t-test and Pearson’s correlation coefficient, and the results are as follows: 1. The scores of trainee on taught content have significant improvement between pre and protest, but not on untaught content, thus support the effectiveness of training of this study. 2. The training evaluation design used in this study is really feasible in organizational environment. 3. Those trainee without formal audit experience are more agreeable on the satisfaction item on “the difficulty of learning content is proper” and “the training method used is effective” 4. The elder the trainee, the learning outcome of verbal information is worse. 5. The degree of satisfaction of trainee to training is uncorrelated to the learning outcome of verbal information. This study suggests organization could apply the tool and procedure to collect evidence of training effectiveness, and use the results for decision of organizational training resource planning. Besides, this study suggest taking in to account of whether the trainee has former relevant experiment and tenure, as parts of personal analysis of training needs analysis, and modify the setting of targeting trainee, training design and training method accordingly, for ultimately maximizing the effectiveness of organization training.
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