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dc.contributor.authorChi-Nien Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorJiunde Lee, Ph. D.en_US
dc.description.abstract本研究主要探究沉浸理論(Flow theory)在多人線上角色扮演遊戲中的應用,並自玩家動機(使用者層面)以及線上遊戲可玩性與社交性(媒介特性層面)等兩類變數,探討其與沉浸感知影響因素以及沉浸程度等之間的關聯性。本研究採用問卷調查法進行資料的蒐集,並透過立意抽樣,樣本主要為目前兩大遊戲網站的玩家族群,總計回收214份有效樣本,回收率69%。 研究結果發現,在遊戲動機中,不同遊戲動機會造成不同程度的沉浸差異,同時遊戲動機可分為兩大類,其中「表現操控能力與自我肯定」、「幻想與角色扮演」與「滿足好奇心」等較偏向個人動機;此外「社交互動」與「尋求挑戰競爭樂趣」則較偏向人際動機。沉浸程度越高的玩家以「滿足好奇心」與「尋求挑戰競爭樂趣」較高,且其對於每一項遊戲動機的需求程度也較為強烈。 另外,影響玩家遊玩線上遊戲過程中感知沉浸的相關因素包括「遠距臨場感與時空感消失」、「挑戰與技巧」以及「掌控能力」等三類因素。沉浸程度越高的玩家以「遠距臨場感與時空感消失」感知程度最高,且其對於每一項影響因素的感知程度也較為強烈。 在線上遊戲特性方面,玩家對於線上遊戲可玩性的感知層面包括「遊戲使用性」、「遊戲運作機制」、「遊戲互動期」以及「遊戲故事」等四項。不論沉浸程度高低,玩家對於目前最常玩的多人線上角色扮演遊戲中,皆以遊戲使用性的評價較高,而遊戲故事評價都較低。沉浸程度越高的玩家,對於遊戲互動期的評價也越高;另外,玩家對於線上遊戲社交性的感知層面包括「溝通媒介」、「遊戲規則」與以及「社會臨場感」等三類,不論沉浸程度高低,所有玩家對於遊戲規則的評價皆較為滿意而社會臨場感的評價較低。 透過文獻整理與研究發現的結果,本研究提出以下幾點遊戲設計建議:滿足玩家遊戲動機、提升遊戲介面與溝通媒介的使用性、透過遊戲遊戲規則與改善遊戲故事以促進玩家互動經驗以及提升玩家遠距臨場感感知並增加情緒體驗。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBased on Czsentmihalyi’s flow theory, this study explored the factors that influenced Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game players’ degrees of immersion experiences in Taiwan. The present study proposed two issues, which should be considered, namely the player’s motivation and game characteristics (‘playability’ and ‘sociability’). A survey was managed to investigate. This study employed the survey method. Through the purposive sampling, the questionnaire was administered to the game players of two biggest game websites in Taiwan. And a total of 214 valid samples were collected. The result indicated that players’ motivations can be separated two categories. The one considered as individual motivations contained “controlling ability and self-affirmation”, “fantasy and role-playing” and “curiosity”; the other one considered as interpersonal motivations contained social interaction, challenge and competition. The more immersive players appear higher curiosity, challenge and competition motivations. According to the feature of the game, the playability contained game usability, game mechanism, game play and game story. No matter what the degree of immersion goes, all players give the higher evaluation to the usability than the game story. The more immersive players give the better evaluation to game play. Otherwise, the sociability contained communication medium, game rules and social presence. No matter what the degree of immersion goes, all players give the higher evaluation to game rules than the social presence. Moreover, the factors, which influence the flow experience of the players obtained “telepresence and time/space lost”, “challenge and skill” and controlling ability. The more immersive players are able to sense the higher degree of telepresence and time/space lost. More detailed findings were discussed in the paper. Finally, this study suggested that game designers should satisfy the players’ motivation, promote the usability of game interface and communication medium, advance the players’ interaction experiences based on proper rules and stories, and encourage the sense of telepresence and emotion.en_US
dc.subjectFlow theoryen_US
dc.titleA Study of Motivations, Playability, and Sociability for MMORPG Players’ Immersion Experiencesen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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