標題: 從MMORPG中的玩家動機看社群形成與認同航道
Exploring Online Community Formation and Identity Trajectory from MMORPG Players' Motivation
作者: 楊馥祤
Euphony F. Y. Yang
Calvin C. Y. Liao
Department of Communication and Technology
關鍵字: MMORPG;認同;社化;動機;實踐社群;identity;sociation;motivation;community of practice
公開日期: 2009
摘要: MMORPG中的互動特性,促使玩家創造大量虛擬公會社群,讓公會對玩家遊戲投入可能造成的影響成為重要議題。本研究利用Simmel的社型理論,剖析公會社群形成之於玩家的必要性,探討公會如何因應玩家的遊戲需求,在兩造作利益交換,以及玩家間如何運用彼此的角色特質,透過相互補償,使交互作用達到平衡,文末以Wenger(1998)實踐社群中的認同概念為探照燈,分析Yee(2006)玩家線上遊戲三動機:成就、社會和浸泡,探究玩家如何藉由參與,發現角色的自我價值與能力,從而發展其認同航道。
The interaction character of MMORPG makes possible the players' creation of the vast online consortia community and thereby makes the influence of the consortia community's to the players a significant issue. This study was based on Sociation theory (Simmel, 2002) and analyzed the necessity of online consortia community formation for players. The study explored how the online consortia community respond the player's demand for games and how they exchange benefit among themselves, and how the players use the character of their roles and through mutual compensation to balance the interaction. On the other hand, the study was in the light of identity concept of community of practice (Wenger, 1998) and three kind of motivation while the players playing online games: achievement, society, and immersing (Yee, 2006) probed how the players discover the self-value and competence of their role and then extend their identity trajectory by participating games.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/123714
期刊: 資訊社會研究
Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
Volume: 17
起始頁: 185
結束頁: 204


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