標題: 電視購物消費者決策過程研究
A Study of Consumer Decision Making Process on the TV Home Shopping Channel
作者: 張淑安
Shu-An Chang
An-Chi Hsu
Liang-Wen Kuo
關鍵字: 電視購物;消費者決策過程模式;使用與滿足理論;消費者洞察;生活型態;消費者知覺風險;Television Home Shopping Channel;Consumer Decision Process model;Use and Gratification theory;Consumer Insights;Lifestyle;Customer Perceived Risk
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 電視購物對台灣的消費者而言,曾經是那樣難登大雅之堂,盡是誇大不實的內容,令消費者望之怯步,但自從1999年東森購物掀起了一波電視購物的熱潮,消費者逐漸接受電視購物這個虛擬通路,甚至是創造了一天一億的銷售佳績,也因此使得電視購物產業得以重見天日,成為了各大集團積極進入的虛擬通路市場。因此引發了本研究以電視購物消費者為目標,跨領域的理論架構,以傳播領域使用與滿足理論以及消費者決策過程為架構,經由深度訪談洞察消費者的使用動機、行為、評價。 本研究以使用電視購物頻繁之消費者為對象,進行質性研究中的深度訪談,探討消費者使用電視購物之使用動機、使用行為及使用評價,並將消費者分為「居家生活樂天型」、「朝九晚五放鬆型」、「精打細算理性型」,並提出行銷傳播建議。本研究並針對電視購物產業提出實務上之建議,包括組織經營模式、品牌經營、策略聯盟、服務機制的建構、家族頻道的經營、市場區隔、銷售商品的建議,以洞察消費者的真實經驗作為建議擬定的根據。
The TV home shopping was once so difficult to accept for consumers in Taiwan; as it full of exaggerating and unreal contents. Since 1999, ET Mall had established and changed this situation, consumers accepted TV home shopping as a virtual shopping channel. It had even achieved the outstanding accomplishment of 100 million that created in one day, and made the TV home shopping industry free from imprisonment, become the virtual shopping market that every large enterprise like to enter actively. This research emphasizes the consumer behaviors toward TV shopping channels and investigates the consumer decision process model. Also, this research analyses consumer insights from the use and gratification theory as a framework, attempt to find out about the consumer decision process of TV shopping via depth interview method. Heavy users of TV shopping channel regard as the research target through the depth interview in quality research probe into consumers using motive, behavior and evaluations of TV shopping, and it divide consumers into three categories. This research result propose the suggestions to the TV shopping industry, including business management strategy, brand building, strategic alliance, service procedure, family channel, market segmentation, and product.


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