標題: 組織動態能耐發展之研究─以城邦出版控股集團為例
A Research on Dynamic Capability Development of Organization─A case study of Cite Publishing Holding Group
作者: 廖育珮
Yu-pei Liao
Ying-hsun Wang
Liang-wen Kuo
關鍵字: 動態能耐;競爭力;Dynamic Capability;Competitiveness
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 競爭力向來是廠商持續成長的動力來源之一,在競爭的環境中,企業能否在激烈的競爭中存活乃至於茁壯,企業的核心能耐的強弱至關重要,但核心能耐具有組織專質的特性,只有在組織內特定的時空環境下,此能耐才能創造別的企業所不能獲得的經濟利潤。組織能耐常會隨著時間經過而演化。演化的方式會隨著技術本身的特性、外部市場競爭強弱與內部的組織與管理特性的不同而不同;這也就意謂著廠商原有的能耐,可能無法保證能維持長久的競爭優勢,所以廠商必須一直創造新能耐。 近年來,台灣出版產業面臨資本化與全球化結構轉變,以及資訊科技的衝擊,本研究針對城邦出版控股集團進行深度個案研究,探討組織面對資本化、全球化與資訊科技衝擊的環境背景下,其組織如何創造和提煉能耐,以維持競爭力。 本研究發現組織策略目標是決定能耐發展;策略目標的制訂是偵測外在環境趨勢和威脅而來。城邦發展的三個策略目標是透過組織專有性資源(領導人、資訊科技、內容、品牌、出版經營的Know-How)的運用、配置取得不同的能耐而達成;支持策略發展的能耐是漸進、累積的過程;此外,在擴大組織規模與取得財務資源,領導人扮演重要角色;組織動態能耐發展,在經營穩定的出版事業上,多數應用過去經營媒體經驗的知識;在經營快速變動的網路事業上,以簡單、實驗性質的方式,厚植網路技術知識與經驗。
The competitiveness is one of the motive sources of firms to grows up continuously, core capability is essential for enterprise to survive in the environment of the competition. However, core capability has characteristic of organizing the special quality, it is only in organization under a specific environment that this capability could create the economic profit which other enterprises can't obtain. Organization’s capability often evolve with time, this evolution emerge in different ways depending on the specification of technique, the intension of external market competition, and the characteristics of internal organizational management. This means a firm cannot sustain its competition advantage with its primary capability; a continuous development of new capability is required. In recent years, because Publishing industry in Taiwan faces changing with capitalization and globalization, and the impact of information technology, so this research on the case study to the Cite Publishing Holding Group will explore how organization creates and refines the capability , in order to maintain the competitiveness. This research discover that the tactics goal of organization decide capability to develop; The formulation of the tactics goal is to detect the external environmental trend and threaten. Achievement of tactics goal of organization is that through deploy specific resource to obtain different capabilities.The capabilities of supporting the development of tactics is gradually and accumulated ; In addition, the leader play an important role to expand the company’s scale and gain financial resource; In moderately dynamic markets of publication, dynamic capability of organization are embedded in experience of running media. In high-velocity dynamic market, dynamic capabilities rely extensively on the ways of simple and experimental to accumulate the knowledge and experience of Internet.


  1. 151501.pdf

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