標題: 「回憶抽屜」—思念與情感之3D動畫創作研究
"The Drawer of Memory"---A 3D Animation Study of Memory and Affection
作者: 紀柏舟
Po-Chou Chi
Ming-Chun Chuang
關鍵字: 電腦動畫;回憶;情感;思念;Computer Animation;Memory;Recollection
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 不論科技、時代如何演變,不論價值觀如何扭曲更替,思念和情感一直都是觸動人心的底層元素。因為有了感情而思慕,因為思慕而產生了難以忘懷的回憶。各式各樣的生活體驗構築的回憶片段,經過歲月洗滌流逝,過濾了平凡、無趣的部分,留下了深刻、難忘的過去。這些精鍊的生命過程被人們一次又一次的放進身上的回憶抽屜裡,留在記憶之中隨時回顧與懷念。然而隨著年紀增長,失去不可復得,原本美好的生命體驗卻因為難以倒回而變成重擔,讓人痛苦沉重,教人迷惘悲傷。回憶抽屜,從美麗幻影的囤積,變成了觸景傷情的負荷。思念,究竟是令人微笑,還是使人崩裂? 綜合了電影、繪畫、音樂各種特質,動畫短片提供一個自由揮灑的想像空間。作者遊歷於各種創作形式的探索,從超現實風格的平面繪畫轉到電腦科技的動態影像,試圖不斷找尋自我對於生命體驗的原貌與詮釋。技術與呈現雖然不同,原創與精神卻依然一致。以人的故事為主體,以生命矛盾的本質為焠鍊;「回憶抽屜」,一首思念與情感的變奏曲,一部科技與藝術結合的動畫結晶。
No matter how the science and technology changes, how the time goes by, the missing and emotion are always touched the will and inner heart of people. Because of the accumulation of sentiment, day and night, the recollection which is difficult to dismiss from mind becomes a part of unforgettable past. Besides, All kinds of life experiences construct the recollection fragments, and their effects diminish as time goes by. Only the original impressive affection can stay behind the deeply inner thought and mind. Therefore, the affection is the based element of humanity. But, when the initial affection of sweet missing metamorphose to be a heavy burden, the memory just becomes the load of deeply heart. So, the drawer of memory is an animation film which expresses the loss cannot be returned, and presents the process from storing up illusory recall to being the load. That is the film’s main idea. In technology respect, the author uses the 3D technology and the style of Surrealism to create an animation. The drawer of memory combines the characteristics with the movie, drawings, music, to provide a freedom creative imagination platform. So, the study takes person's story as a main idea, based on the contradictory of life itself, and attempts to pursue self- revealing the reflection and the interpretative perspective of life itself.


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