Title: | 數位典藏藝術相關網站之使用經驗研究:以國中美術教師為例 The user experience of art-related web sites of the digital archives program:The case of middle-school art teachers |
Authors: | 翁子晴 Weng, Tzu-Ching 陳一平 應用藝術研究所 |
Keywords: | 國科會數位典藏計畫;使用者經驗;美術教師;實地訪談;設計原則;national digital archives program;user experience;art teacher;in-field interview;design guideline |
Issue Date: | 2004 |
Abstract: | 現今數位典藏計畫推行的主要目標是將國家重要的文物典藏數位化,建立國家數位典藏。數位典藏計畫可區分為典藏工作與應用工作,「應用」意指將典藏的資料加以運用,以教育方面來說,數位典藏分項計畫積極的將典藏計畫推廣至各級學校,並依照教育部所頒行的九年一貫教育體制將所有典藏網站作分類,其中屬於美術教師使用的網站類型即為「藝術與人文」,此外也不間斷的舉辦教師研習營、教學活動設計比賽等,將數位典藏的內容運用到教學中。 為了瞭解美術教師使用網站尋找教學資源的相關經驗,並從這些經驗中分析出設計原則提供未來美術相關資源網站的參考,研究範圍以數位典藏藝術相關網站為主,了解美術教師在利用數位典藏網站尋找教學資源時,所遇到的經驗,除了數位典藏網站的經驗,透過訪談也瞭解美術教師平時尋找教學資源的管道,以及這些資源管道有哪些優點是值得提供數位典藏網站作為參考的,數位典藏網相較於其他網站之優勢在於豐富的典藏內容,適合教師作為自我進修的管道,且較具可信度,更無需擔心技術或基金的不足而導致網站關閉。本研究以利用文獻分析、訪談法、質化分析等研究方法,探究美術教師使用網站搜尋教學資源之經驗以及使用數位典藏網站之經驗。 好的經驗應該要保留並且擴大,不好的經驗經過修正可以讓網站有更好的使用功能。結論針對美術教師的教學需求與期望整理出五項設計原則,以提供數位典藏單位於未來進行網站設計之建議與參考: (1)趨向生活化流行的內容:數位典藏網站的內容需要更趨生活化,過於學術性的網站內容無法親近美術教師的教學對象,而生活化的典藏內容幫助美術教師縮短教案製作時間,並快速融入教學課程; (2)組織過具彈性的資訊:美術教師在收集教學資源時,希望能得到完整組織過的資訊內容,例如圖片、文字介紹、完整的教學檔案等等,這些現成的教材可以讓教師運用,並節省教材製作時間; (3)網站運作的延續與完整:未建構完成的網站讓受訪者感到不完整,應該保持網站的持續性及更新率,並不斷的增加網站內部的內容提供使用者運用; (4)良好的網站指引:由於典藏資料龐雜不易搜尋,數位典藏網站指引必須具備良好的網站指引,以導覽而言,必須以美術教師熟悉的分類方式,清楚的呈現網站架構連結,提供使用者參考;以搜尋而言,透過關鍵字查詢、交叉連結比對等等網站指引方式,可以讓美術教師更能在龐大的資源中,快速的找到需要的資訊; (5)東西藝術之結合:數位典藏網站大多為東方藝術典藏,美術教師平日教學活動不單只以東方藝術為教材,西方藝術的教學比重多於東方藝術,在數位典藏網站中若能融合東西方藝術將會更助於藝術教師的教學; ( 6 ) 清楚的呈現製作者名稱與標示:由於數位典藏網站的辨識度不高,使用者無法確認自己是否真正使用過數位典藏網站,清楚的呈現製作者名稱與專屬的標誌可以幫助使用者辨認,也可以成為品質保證的標章。 “National Digital Archives Program, Taiwan” (NDAP, Taiwan) was launched on January 1st, 2002 and is sponsored by the National Science Council (NSC). Its objective is to promote and coordinate content digitization as is applied to knowledge and information sharing in research, education and learning. The mission of NDAP are devided into two operating levels: content digitization and applications. From the educational perspective, NDAP offers conferences and workshops to elementary and high school teachers for enhancing their abilities of applying digital archive resources into their teachings effectively. NDAP websites are also organized according to the 9-year basic schooling system. The category of “Art and Humanities” websites is suitable for the usage of art teachers. In order to understand art teachers’ experience of searching teaching resources on the Internet, we conducted in-field interviews of seven art teachers who had used NDAP art-related websites in recent years. After in-field interviews, we used qualitative scheme to analyze the experiences gathered form the interviews. We found that NDAP websites are rich in content and are suitable for art teachers’ self-learning. We investigated the common channels that art teachers search their teaching materials and how they use NDAP websites as their teaching resources. Through in-field interviews, we can have better understanding on how art teachers search appropriate teaching materials on the Internet. After that, we discuss our findings in terms of how to direct the future website design of NDAP and propose five design guidelines according to art teachers’ needs and expectations. The content of websites has to be close to the real life so that teachers and students understand better via NDAP. Websites need well-organized information as complete files. Well-organized information, including photos, text descriptions, even ready-made teaching materials, helps reducing the amount of preparation that art teachers have to make for their teachings. The degree of completion and constant maintenance are very important. Incomplete contents of websites cause difficulties of searching appropriate teaching materials. Websites need good site maps. The navigation design should be clear and logical. In the current state, there is little information about western art provided by the NDAP websites. NDAP websites should provide more information about western art to benefit art teachers. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/77395 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |
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