Title: 台灣大專中英口譯教學現況探討
Teaching Interpretation to English Majors in Taiwan
Authors: 胡家榮
Clarence McKenzie Davis
Posen Liao
Keywords: 口譯教學;社會建構論;Interpretation Pedagogy;Social-constructivism
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 大學部的口譯教學近年來受到諸多的熱切關注,全台各大專英、外文系及應用外語系皆大力提倡基礎口譯訓練,希冀藉以提升外語主修學生在聽、說、讀、寫、譯等五大層面的技能。然而台灣大部分的口譯教學研究,多偏重在研究所的專業口譯人才培訓,對於大學部的口譯教學卻相對較為缺乏相關及全面性的研究及探討,以確保其教學成效,因此本文便希望能彌補此一缺憾,藉此針對大學部口譯教學進行全面的省思。本文主要目的,便在於對現行大學部的口譯教學法進行整理與比較,藉此提供第一線執教的口譯教師及課程規劃人員最新的大學部口譯教學及課程資訊;第二個目的,則是檢視現行大學部的口譯教學法是否符合社會建構論的內涵,從而依照社會建構論提供具體的教學建議,進而設計出更具成效的大學部口譯課程。本研究以問卷調查佐以半結構訪談的方式,針對全國94學年度之英、外文系及應用外語系有開設大學部口譯課程的教師共42位進行調查,調查重點包含現今大學部口譯課程設計、師資結構、教學困難、教材使用、作業配置及評量方式等。研究結果呈現國內目前最新的大學部口譯課程教學資訊,並發現國內的大學部口譯教學與社會建構論的內涵相符合。本文根據所得的研究結果,對目前全台大學部的口譯課程規劃提出具體建議,以提升教學品質,並藉此為社會建構論在台灣大專的口譯教學中尋找其定位,提供口譯教學界不同的教學思維。此研究希冀能提供大學部口譯課程規劃人員及教師最新的教學相關資訊,或於現今的口譯教學概況獲得啟發,或借鏡其他教師的口譯教學方法,藉而截長補短,進而提升自身的口譯教學品質,為社會培育出更多的外語專業人才。
The training of undergraduate interpreters has received a lot of attention recently. Colleges all over Taiwan have been promoting teaching interpretation in full swing. However, most interpretation pedagogy studies in Taiwan focused on the graduate level, leaving the undergraduate level unnoticed. It is the undergraduate interpretation program that more students participate in. Therefore, there is a need to examine the pedagogy at the undergraduate level since it exerts influence on more students. The main purpose of the research is to explore the current practice of undergraduate interpretation pedagogy so as to provide updated information of undergraduate interpretation training for both interpretation instructors and program designers. The second purpose is to examine whether or not the current undergraduate interpretation pedagogy is supported by the theory of social-constructivism and provide suggestions for a more effective course design. The research method was using a survey, comprised of a questionnaire and follow-up semi-structured interviews. A total of 42 undergraduate interpretation instructors participated in this study. The quantitative analysis of the questionnaires was conducted through descriptive statistics and chi-square test. Both quantitative and qualitative results depicted a comprehensive picture of current undergraduate interpretation pedagogy, in terms of course objectives, materials selection, assessment and evaluation, teaching activities, taught skills, as well as the make-up of current interpreting instructors, teaching difficulties, and their teaching philosophy. It was also found that current undergraduate interpretation pedagogy conformed to a social constructivist approach. To conclude, this study may be of importance in presenting information on current status of undergraduate interpretation instruction for teachers and curriculum designers as well as positioning social-constructivism in interpretation pedagogy so as to provide an effective teaching method grounded in a social constructivist approach.
Appears in Collections:Thesis