DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorTzu-Chin Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究目的以『網路雙重情境學習模式』為基礎,同時結合科學推理與類比推理的學習模式,因此設計出電學主題網路互動學習課程。本研究主要在探討實驗組學生經網路雙重情境學習課程後,與傳統教學模式的對照組學生相比較,其科學推理能力、電學單元成就測驗、電學主題相依推理測驗的差異。同時針對實驗組與對照組的學生進行訪談,並結合實驗組網路學習事件分析,藉此深入瞭解學生電學概念的建構與改變情況。 本研究採用準實驗設計,研究對象為六班國三學生,其中三班實驗組共97人,三班對照組共97人。首先,探討實驗組與對照組在電學單元成就測驗與電學主題相依兩階段測驗等量化資料中的差異,然後再根據訪談的質化資料,分析實驗組與對照組學生在推理層級與概念建構上的差異,另外再針對實驗組學生在電學網路雙重情境採用的理由,進行理由歸納與推理層級之分析,探討學生推理層級與概念所發生的改變。 結果發現相較於對照組,實驗組經過電學網路雙重情境教學後,不論是學業分組(高、中、低)的學生,或是科學推理分組(具體推理與過渡推理)的學生,分別在電學單元成就測驗與主題相依推理測驗中,皆能獲得更好的學習成效及學習保留效果。 針對實驗組與對照組在訪談的概念分析上,結果顯示後測與追蹤訪談的正確概念分數,實驗大於對照組的概念題數居多,甚至於追蹤訪談中,有九個概念均實驗組大於對照組,且其效果量(effect size)也均達低、中效果,甚至有三個概念達高度效果。其次在推理層級分析中,實驗組在後測與追蹤訪談傾向使用較高的推理層級,如辯證(J)與解釋(EX),而對照組在後測與追蹤訪談中,卻是使用低階的概述(G)頻率居高。最後在概念改變量的分析上,在前-後測與後-追訪談中,實驗組的學生以概念進步(PG)居多,而對照組卻是以維持錯誤(MTIC)與退步(RTG)以居多,故可知實驗組學生經過電學網路雙重情境教學之後,均能建構正確的概念,或是概念改變成功,且其推理能力也有所增進。 針對實驗組在網路互動式學習歷程上,研究者針對教學事件的開放式理由,進行歸類分析,除了主題四的教學事件4-4與4-5之外,其餘我們均可以觀察到,經過網路雙重情境教學之後,屬於直觀的回答減少,學生大多能採用教學事件的解說來進行理由的回答,表示其建構的電學概念更趨完整。另外學生在前後理由當中所使用的推理層級,也從逐漸從低階的概述(G),漸漸轉換到高階的辯證(J)與解釋(EX),故可知道實驗組學生在電學網路雙重情境的學習當中,除了能夠成功的建構並維持正確的概念,或概念發生改變之外,其推理能力也會有所增進。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWeb-based interactive lessons for electricity unit were developed for this study. The design of the lessons was based on Dual Situated Learning Model (DSLM) and the reasoning as well as analogical reasoning learning approaches. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of web-based interactive lessons on students’ conceptual constructions, reconstructions, and their scientific reasoning abilities. This study adapted a quasi-experimental design. Six ninth-grade classes were recruited. Three classes (a total of 97 students) served as the experimental group, and the other three classes (a total of 97 students) served as the control group. The experimental group received the web-based interactive lessons of electricity unit for a month, while the control group received the same content in a conventional instructional context for the same period of time. The learning outcomes being compared include the cognitive electricity achievement test and the two-tier electricity reasoning test. In addition, the conceptual changes and the levels of scientific reasoning of both groups from the data collected in the pre-, post-, and retention interviews were analyzed and compared. The web-learning processes were analyzed in two perspecificies: level of scientific reasoning and scientific concept categorization. In all the tests, the results showed that experimental group students outperformed their control group counterparts in many aspects. First, the scores of the cognitive achievement test and the two-tier test reasoning test showed that there was not only a better immediate effect but also a superior retaining effect on the levels of academic achievement in science (high, middle, and low achievers) as well as on the scientific reasoning stages (transitional or concrete). The results of student interviews were transcribed and then analyzed by a flow map method. According to the analysis of their pre-, post-, and retention flow maps, the scores of correct conception showed that experimental group was better than the control. Even in retention interviews, experimental group students still outperformed in nine out of eleven conceptions. With regard to the levels of scientific reasoning, the experimental group students in the post- and retention interviews tended to use high level of scientific reasoning such as “Justification” or “Explanation”. In contrast, the control group students tended to use low level of scientific reasoning like “Generativity”. In the pre-post or post-retention interviews, most of the experimental group students’ conceptions made progression. However, the control group students’ conception maintained as incorrect or retrogressive. The results revealed that after experiencing the web-based interactive learning for electricity, the students were generally more successful conceptual change than the other ones, and the level of their reasoning abilities also increased. Only experimental group students’ received the web-based course. The design of the learning events in the web-based interactive lessons included the formats of open-ended. Except learning event 4-4 and 4-5, the analysis of the open-ended formats showed that students could provide with the reason they learnt in web-based interactive events. They made more considerate and well-constructed reasons, while lowering their intuitive reasons. The finding of this analysis showed that students had more correct and well-constructed conceptions in electricity. In addition, students used more higher level of scientific reasoning (eg. Justification, Explanation) than lower level of scientific reasoning (eg. Generativity) after learning from the web course. The finding of those analyses showed that students were not only able to have and sustain a successful conceptual construction but also conceptual change. And they also improved their scientific reasoning abilities immediately or after a period of time.en_US
dc.subjectScientific reasoningen_US
dc.subjectAnalogical reasoningen_US
dc.subjectWeb-based Interactive learningen_US
dc.titleResearch of “Scientific Analogical Reasoning” within Web-based Interactive Learning: Promoting Middle School Students’ Reasoning Abilities and Concept Construction Involving Electricity.en_US


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