標題: 中學職前教師之網路著作權課程研發與評估
Development and Evaluation of Cyber Copyright Learning Materials for Pre-service Teachers
作者: 楊舒婷
Shu-Ting Yang
Chien Chou
關鍵字: 網路著作權;概念卡通;案例教學法;Cyber Copyright;concept cartoons;case based instruction
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本研究旨在以系統化教學設計模式發展一套適用於中學職前教師的網路著作權課程,課程實施的對象為大學師資培育機構的學生,並以澄清與落實中學職前教師對網路著作權的觀念為課程目標。課程的發展過程是以分析、設計、發展、實施、評估等五個階段逐步進行,其中,形成性評估的結果為課程修正與調整的參考依據。 本研究的課程內容主要有:一、著作權之基本意涵;二、常侵犯的著作權,包括大學生網路行為可能侵犯的重製權與公開傳輸權;三、合理使用原則;四、案例探究,其案例內容是以網路著作權雙層次測驗(詹佩珊、周倩,2004)的分析結果為基礎;五、概念澄清等。為使教學素材生活化,課程實施時所採用的教學策略是由本研究結合案例教學法與概念卡通的特性所發展的教學策略。 在分析階段的研究結果顯示,大學生的網路盜版行為以個人盜版為主,包括使用、傳送、複製多份等行為,在這些行為中,他們較常侵犯的著作權物為音樂檔案、電影、軟體、圖片等;其次,大學生對著作權普遍存有迷思概念,例如「教育用途為合理使用」、「只要註明出處即可使用網路上的資源」、「網路是一個開放的環境,可和好朋友分享資源」、「使用網路上的資料不用負法律責任」等,使得著作權知識的充實與網路著作權的課程發展有其需求性與必要性。課程實施後,本研究經由形成性評估的結果顯示,學習者對著作權的態度與認知有所提昇,且普遍滿意課程內容與教學策略,至於整體表現方面,學習者主動提問的互動頻率雖然不高,但在個人與小組學習單的完整性與正確性佳,且小組討論評估的結果發現,各組有不錯的參與性、互動性、切題性,此外,經專家與教學者的評估結果表示,本研究的課程設計具有一致性,在內容性、設計性、可行性方面,則有專家建議可增加分組討論活動與案例內容,且本課程的教學者需熟悉教學策略並僅可能有法律方面的專業知識。此研究成果希望能作為網路著作權教學素材與未來相關研究之參考。
The goal of this study was to develop the cyber copyright learning materials for pre-service teachers in junior and senior high schools. This study employed the model of systematic instructional design--ADDIE model. This model suggested a complete process of analysis(A), design(D), development(D), implement(D), and evaluation(E). The learner analysis indicated that students in college have softlifted from the Internet, including illegal using, transforming, and copying copyrighted software and materials. They often use music files, movies, software, pictures on the Internet without permission. Students sometimes have misconceptions of copyright; therefore, the development of cyber copyright learning materials seems necessary. The revised and final curriculum was divided into four parts: (1) Foundation of copyright law, (2) The usual violations of copyright, (3) The basic concept of fair use, (4) Case study, and (5) Clarifications of misconceptions for cyber copyright. This instructional strategy was based on Case-based instruction and Concept Cartoons to enhance the effectiveness of the curriculum. This study also conducted a formative evaluation of the curriculum. The results showed that students demonstrated a more positive attitude toward and increased knowledge of the copyright after the curriculum. Most students were satisfied with this curriculum content and instructional strategy. On their worksheets, most students could answer correctly and completely, although they seldom raised any questions. Reviewing their group performance, every group was highly engaged in the topic and actively interacted with each other. In addition, the expert and teacher evaluations indicated that the instructional design was consistent and coherent, and suggested to increase discussion activities and relational cases. In order to implement the curriculum, the teacher must master the instructional strategy and have professional knowledge about cyber copyright. Recommendations for future studies were also provided.


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