標題: 組織創新氛圍、教師工作內外在動機對國小教師創意教學行為影響之結構方程模式檢驗
The influence of school organizational creative climate, and teachers’ intrinsic, extrinsic motivation on elementary school teachers’ creative teaching: A structural equation modeling study.
作者: 蔡宜貞
I-Chen Tsai
Sunny S. J. Lin
關鍵字: 組織創新氛圍;內在動機;綜效性外在動機;非綜效性外在動機;創意教學外在動機;創意教學行為;organizational creative climate;intrinsic motivation,;synergic extrinsic motivation;non-synergic extrinsic motivation;extrinsic motivation for creative teaching;creative teaching behavior
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 過去多數企業組織研究指出,組織具備創新氛圍對於成員的創造力有重要的影響力(Amabile,1996),而學校組織中,創新氛圍是否會影響教師展現創意教學,國內甚少相關研究。本研究依據Amabile的理論為基礎,探討學校組織創新氛圍、教師內在動機、創意教學外在動機如何影響教師個體的創意教學表現,以建構出教師創意教學歷程模式。研究工具採用「學校組織創新氣候」、「教師內在動機」量表以及自編「創意教學外在動機」、「教師創意教學」量表。本研究在前測時以小樣本檢測各研究量表品質,正式施測選取37所國民小學(創新學校18所,一般學校19所),有效樣本含教師500人,其中男性119人,女性381人。資料分析採因素分析、多變量變異數分析、迴歸,及結構方程模式檢驗「教師創意教學」之歷程模式,更進一步探討綜效性外在動機與非綜效性外在動機,在教師創意教學歷程中的影響力與相互的關係。本研究主要結果為: 1、 學校組織創新程度,確實影響教師的「組織創新氛圍」感受,且創新學校教師的「內在動機」高於一般學校教師。 2、 迴歸分析各變項對創意教學的預測結果,發現背景變項中以「教師指導學生獲獎經驗」、「教師獲獎經驗」對於「創意教學行為」具預測力;「內在動機」各變項皆具相當預測力;「外在動機」則以「他人認同」具預測力。 3、 以結構方程模式進行模式競爭,證實外在動機確實存在著綜效性與非綜效性兩類外在動機,綜效性外在動機能正向預測國小教師的內在動機,非綜效外在動機則對內在動機有負向預測力。而綜效性外在動機能間接提昇內在動機進而促發創意教學行為,也能直接正向影響創意教學行為;非綜效性外在動機則會抑止內在動機及創意教學行為的展現。 4、 針對「教師創意教學歷程」模式檢驗,在整體適配度檢定結果堪稱顯著,表示本假設模型與觀察資料具有相當程度的契合度。 5、 組織創新氛圍確實分別影響教師內在動機、創意教學外在動機,而教師內在動機於整個教學歷程中佔重要角色,唯有教師內在動機起始點很高時,組織創新氛圍方能進一步提昇內在動機,綜效性外在動機則可介入,促使創意教學行為有效展現。 □ 本研究結果證實外在動機如Amabile理論所言,可區分綜效性與非綜效性,二者在創意教學歷程中,分別具正負的影響力。但在學校組織場域中,教師創意教學綜效性外在動機內涵與Amabile的商業組織場域有所差異,建議未來可進一步探究。最後研究者依據研究結果,提出若干建議供未來研究與教學實務之參考。
Studies conducted in business organization have supported the notion that organizational creative climate has positive effect on individual members’ creative performance (Amabile, 1996). Can this finding be generalized to the school setting, especially elementary schools in Taiwan? Some research (Chiu, 2000; Lin, 2002; Chiang, 2002) has explored this important issue but more evidences are very much needed. Therefore, this study based on Amabile’s social context model of creativity (1996) examine the relations of creative organizational climate of school, teachers’ intrinsic/extrinsic motivation and creative teaching. Five hundred teachers were recruited from 37 elementary schools around Taiwan; 18 schools were selected from those awarded innovative schools by government and 19 from ordinary schools. Factor analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, and regression were adopted in analyzing data. Besides, a hypothesized model was built through a comprehensive literature review and structural equation modeling was used to test the concordance of hypothetical models, alternative models, and the model derived from the current data, especially regarding role of the synergistic extrinsic motivation in creative teaching model. The results were as in the following. 1. Teachers work in innovative schools perceiving higher levels of organizational creative climate and having stronger intrinsic motivation than those in ordinary schools. 2. Evidences shown in regression analysis show that only 2 among 7 background factors (the experience helping students to win prizes and the experience of winning creative teaching prizes) successfully predicted teachers’ creative teaching behaviors. Besides, all factors of intrinsic motivations and “other’s recognition” dimension of extrinsic motivation significantly predicted creative teaching behaviors. 3. The hypothetical model A has one exogenous variable -- creative organizational climate, two moderate variables -- intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, and one endogenous variable -- creative teaching behaviors. Hypothetical model B was the same as model A, except extrinsic motivation was further split into synergic (need for others’ feedback and need for others’ recognition) and non-synergic extrinsic motivation (need for control and competition, and need for reward). The result indicated that model B had better fit with the model derived from data than the model A and that is in accordance with Amabile’s theory (1996). 4. The results of structural equation modeling also indicated that “organizational creative climate” had positive direct effects on “intrinsic motivation”, and positive indirect effect on “creative teaching” through the moderating effect of “intrinsic motivation.” Besides, “synergic extrinsic motivation” had positive direct effect on “intrinsic motivation” and “creative teaching behavior”, yet “non-synergic extrinsic motivation” could decrease teacher’s “intrinsic motivation” and “creative teaching behavior” as the hypotheses suggested. Based on the result, several suggestions for educational administrations, schools, teachers and future research were offered.


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