Title: 矩陣式組織之成功因素分析-以應用材料公司為例
The Analysis of Critical Success Factors of Matrix Organization- A Case Study of Applied Materials Corporation
Authors: 汪青蓉
Jean Wang
Chyan Yang
Keywords: 矩陣式組織;關鍵成功因素;半導體設備;應用材料;Matrix Organization;Critical Success Factors;Semiconductor Equipment;Applied Materials
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 本研究針對應用材料公司在1994年至2003年之間採用矩陣式組織之成功關鍵因素進行分析研究。由於矩陣式組織具有一般功能性組織和專案式組織雙重命令特性,因此特別需要協調功能。應用材料使用此一組織架構,除了可以提供顧客滿意的服務之外,對於產品研發創新和營收也有顯著的幫助。 本研究針對應用材料的組織績效進行比較,除了和其它同業廠商的營運績效進行比較外,也針對矩陣式組織營運績效以及後來採用其它組織架構的營運績效進行比較分析。
This thesis is to report the critical success factors of the realization of matrix organization in Applied Materials between 1994 and 2003. Because of the dual command line from functional departments and project teams, negotiation is the most important issue to resolve. Applied Materials has adapted its matrix organization not only provided customers satisfy services but enhanced the product innovation and the bottom line profit. This research not only compares the performance of Applied Materials and her competitors but compares the performance of matrix organization and other organization structures.
Appears in Collections:Thesis