標題: 科學園區技術性工作外包市場區隔與效能管理研究– 以半導體廠廠務系統為例
Semiconductor Factory Facility Job Outsourcing Market Segments and Effectiveness Management Research
作者: 吳明哲
Mike Wu
Jen-Hung Hwang
關鍵字: 外包;知識經濟;價值鏈;效能管理;市場區隔;進入障礙;outsourcing;knowledge economic;value chain;effect management;market segmentation;entry barrier
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 外包 (outsourcing) , 非新名詞。 多年來已普遍成為企業營運的重要決策考量, 但是大部份仍僅被應用於非技術性之工作範疇。 近年來隨著「知識經濟」及產業整合之價值鏈 (Value Chain) 觀念抬頭, 技術性工作外包亦逐漸被企業所重視, 外包商績效也成為企業競爭力的一部份。 科學園區內高科技廠外包商在歷練多年非技術性勞力工作承包及不同廠際間之工作經驗整合, 已逐漸累積承包運轉及系統維護之技術性工作能力, 也因此, 在科學園區半導體廠中一向以技術導向的廠務運轉工作亦逐漸受到外包廠商所剴視及侵入, 以現階段而言, 外包商已融入半導體廠運轉之重要環節。 在科學園區高產值之半導體廠之廠務系統支援工廠正常運轉, 合約商技術層次提升與業主企業形成特殊關係, 整體效能環環相扣。 到底技術性工作外包之決策考量模式、市場區隔性及外包效能管理認同度之關鍵因素為何 ? 肯定是未來園區高科技園廠必需重視的課題。 外包的主要目的是為尋求企業「低成本」及「高績效」的經營模式,本研究主要著眼點即在有系統探討半導體廠技術性工作外包之市場區隔合作低成本模式及績效管理新思維, 用以作為企業技術性工作外包之重要參考。 本論文主要研究方法為參考已發表之相關文獻書籍及由產業界實際取得次級資料彙總之質化分析研究、問卷調查之統計量化分析研究、相關人士訪談研究及個案探討等,雙向評估組織內員工與外包商員工觀念之異同點。 研究結果歸納出幾項重點 : 一、科學園區半導體廠技術性工作外包層次及比重將會逐步提昇; 工作分類會愈加細部化, 外包商對於技術層面的能力將會愈來愈熟悉且深入, 逐步瓜分業主例行性工作負荷量。 二、科學園區工廠與外包商間存在著獨特的相依關係; 半導體廠彼此間除了比較產能外就是比較技術, 當外包商逐步融入技術運轉體系內之後, 與業主形成勞不可破之生命共同體, 獨特市場區隔關聯性及高度進入障礙 (Entry barrier) 。 三、科學園區對於外包商之行為表現及績效管理模式將會漸漸直接影響業主競爭力; 未來可預見的是外包商技術能力將為大大影響園區半導體廠之競爭力而成為相關主管決策之重要考量。
The “outsourcing” had been implemented in business’s strategy many years but still be operated in non-core technical working field only. The concept of new era of “knowledge economic” and “Value Chain” is coming, The business consider to focus on feasibility of technical working scope. In Hsinchu Science Park Taiwan, the Hi-Tec. semiconductor manufacturing plant transfer more working weight to outsourcing Contractor recently. The outsourcing Contractor had accumulated many technical experience for facility working to involve internal organization. The facility system support to high capacity product output in semiconductor plant for normal operation. The outsourcing Contractors’ skill enhancement that show the influence of menace to internal employee that possible to impact overall business performance. What’sthe strategy model for outsourcing of technical work ? How to segment the marketing for technical outsourcing working in science park Hi-Tec. company ? How to setup the management rule for outsourcing Vendors’ performance ? This research will focus on new systematic thinking and conclude the reference for science park semiconductor plant technical outsourcing job. The research method for this thesis include secondary data analysis and questionary survey and case study. In this thesis, we conclude some key result as below: 1. The weight scale of outsourcing work will keep to increase for semiconductor manufacturing plant in science park and the outsourcing workers will involve facility organization to share employees’ loading. 2. The Contractor will co-work with owner that combine to common structure to form the entry barrier. 3. The outsourcing Vendors’ technical skill and performance will become the important thing to affect business competitive capacity.
Appears in Collections:Thesis