標題: 整合性管理系統之建置研究-以氣體公司之管理系統整合推行為例
The Study of the implementation of the integrated management system (IMS)- A case study of the implementation of the IMS system for a Gas Manufacturing Company
作者: 楊雅琇
Ya-Hsiu Yang
Edward Yi Chang
關鍵字: 品質管理系統 (ISO 9001);環境管理系統 (ISO 14001);職業安全衛生管理系統(OHSAS 18001);整合性管理;Quality management system;Environmental management system;Occupational Health and Safety Management System;Integrated Management
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 自1987年國際標準組織(ISO)公告品質管理系統後,環境管理系統及由知名驗證機構公告的職業安全衛生管理系統陸續公告,且紛紛被企業因應客戶的要求、環境污染防治及危害控制與預防採行。然而因各管理系統的獨立推行及認證,造成企業同時推行此三種管理系統時內部增加管理上的困擾、資源的浪費。若能將各管理系統加以整合,於能符合各系統共通性要求下,建立適合的管理架構與管理模式,不但可以整合公司內部資源、簡化作業流程,同時提昇企業形象及競爭力。 本研究探討企業於建構品質、環境及安全衛生整合的管理系統過程中,了解此三種管理系統皆依循著PDCA的管理循環架構以達到持續改善的要求。分析、比較及彙整各管理系統標準之異同點、了解管理系統整合的考量因素與考量系統涵蓋範圍及其整合之優點。本研究並探討一已建立整合管理系統的個案公司,其實際執行流程、績效與經驗,以了解實務上企業建立整合管理系統之執行成果,作為企業往後建置及推行之參考。
Even since Quality Management System was announced by ISO in 1987, several management system such as by Environmental Management System and Occupational Health and Safety Management System followed and were around by famous system certified organizations. Due to the international community requirements on environmental pollution protection and hazard control and prevention, these new systems have been implemented by a lot of enterprises. The implementation and certification of each of these management system is required due to the international awareness of the environmental issue, however, implementation these management systems individually caused bureaucracy and confusion of the management and results in insufficient utilization of resources. Therefore integrating all management systems based on common requirements to establish appropriate management structure and model is necessary. This can not only consolidating internal resources and simplifying operational process, but can also contribute a lot to company image and competitiveness. This study reviews the quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management systems following the “PDCA” circle to achieve the requirements for continuous improvement of the quality system of the company. This study also analyzes and consolidates the same and different points of the three management systems, realizing an integrated the management system for the company. Moreover, the study reviews the implementation process, evaluate the performance of a gas manufacturing company which already implemented the integrated management system. Practically, the model and experience for the gas company that implementing this integrated management can be used as reference for the other companies that would like to implement this integrated management system in the future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis