标题: 健康管理与规划之研究-以光电厂(LED)为例
Health Management and plan Study–A Case Study of A LED Corporation
作者: 刘美兰
Mei-Lan Liu
Chih-Ming Huang
关键字: 健康管理;健康规划;体检问卷;在职体检;health managemen;health plan;physical examination;on-the-job physical examination
公开日期: 2005
摘要: 经济脚步的快速成长,随之而来的职业卫生问题也越来越多元化,所以如何使劳工能在健康的工作环境下工作,将是未来台湾地区职业卫生政策的重要方向;而职灾法中第七条:“劳工因职业灾害所致之损害,雇主应负赔偿责任。但雇主能证明无过失者,不在此限。”
本研究是以一家光电厂(LED)之在职体检状况,并依公司性质与职业病医师进行讨论,再依据公司性质设计与体检相关问卷调查表,并将各部门的体检异常率与问卷调查表进行比对,探讨在职人员生活作息与自觉感受及实际体检结果是否有影响与实际差异,并供体检时职业病医师在判断特殊体检等级上的参考;问卷统计的部分包括经整理后将资料建立于Excel套装软体,包括个人状况、生活习惯、自觉状况、人因工程的一些症状等,再以SPSS for Windows10套装软体进行描述性统计分析。问卷部分亦可作为职业医师在特殊体检等级判断上的等级参考之一,以厘清是因个人生活作息所造成异常还是可能为职业疾病出现的前兆,以避免因而对于等级上错判;园区从业人员重复工作性质高,故人员的体检异常跟园区生态与园区公司都有类似问题存在,改善应可从整体考量;自觉问卷虽为员工个人感受,但从员工的饮食起居可以推测出部门或人员的异常比例,故强化问卷调查与在职体检比对是有其必要性。
Along with the rapid growth of economics, the following occupational health problems have also become more diversified. Thus, to enable the labors to work under a healthy working environment becomes the principal trend of future occupational health policy in Taiwan. The Article 7 of Protection for Labors Incurring Occupational Accidents Act emphasizes that an employer shall be liable for damage or loss compensation of a labor incurring occupational accident, unless the employer can prove himself without any flaw. The prevention of occupational diseases is a long-term effort and how to avoid them from happening is the goal and trend that the corporate frontline of Health/Medical professionals and Environmental Health and Safety personnel needs to strive for. The preliminary planning and detection of potential problems are the main concerns of the present study.
This research has been elaborated on the on-the-job physical examination of a Photonics Corporation and a corresponding consultation has also been made with the doctors specialized in occupational diseases according to the corporation characteristics. Furthermore, a questionnaire related to the physical examination was designed accordingly. The unusual rate of physical examination from each department is cross-compared with the questionnaire in order to identify if the results of physical examination are affected by the labors’ life styles and their perceived experiences, and then find out what the actual difference may be. This analysis can also be used as reference for the doctors of occupational diseases to judge the levels of exceptional physical examination. The questionnaire is processed into the Excel files and then divided into several parts, including Personal Status, Life Style, Perceived Experiences and Ergonomics, etc, for investigation under the descriptive statistics by using SPSS for Windows10.
The questionnaire can also be used as one of the references to clarify if the unusualness was caused by the personal life style or was the sign of potential occupational diseases and such that can avoids the unnecessary misjudgments of levels. The employees in the science industrial park have high possibilities of working on the repeating jobs but in different companies, thus the unusual result of physical examination is highly related to the park ecology, and it could be improved under the overall considerations. Although the questionnaire of perceived experiences described only based on the personal experiences; however from the labors’ life styles, it is possible to figure out the unusual rate of departments and personnel. Therefore, it is necessary to intensify the cross-comparison between the questionnaire and on-the-job physical examination.