DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorDr. Suh-Yin Leeen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來資料庫的技術雖有很大的進展,但資料庫的架構已從傳統的集中式轉換成分散式的架構,從實務面而言,仍缺少有效的系統開發方法。企業內部因部門分工需求,各部門自建所需的資料庫,提供該部門使用,未考慮到資料共享的需求,產生許多異質性的資料庫。如今,在全球化的競爭市場中,企業為求能夠掌握其所屬產業之前景與相關企業的脈動,對資訊整合與共用的需求日漸加重,企業內部異質性資料庫的整合,是當前企業內部資訊系統急需突破的課題。 本篇論文裡,配合企業內部資料庫規畫現狀的架構下,提出一套晶圓流程管理系統(Wafer Flow control Management System,簡稱WFCMS),整合異質性資料系統。晶圓流程管理系統架構採三層式發展架構(Three-Tier Architecture)—客戶端(Client)、Web伺服器(Web Server),與資料庫伺服器(DB Server)。程式開發使用JAVA語言。客戶端動態網頁使用JSP開發。應用程式伺服器與資料庫伺服器連結使用JDBC。客戶端(Client)與Web伺服器連結運用JNDI機制。為了減少伺服器與資料庫建立連線的次數,運用Connection Pool的技術,避免程式與資料庫連結溝通頻繁,造成效能問題。 在系統效能評估上,分兩部分。第一部份根據各部門所要求更新及讀取資料的邏輯,撰寫測試事件。並請各部門根據此測試事件,測試晶圓流程管理系統(WFCMS),評估更新及讀取資料的正確性。資料邏輯的正確性已達到100%。第二部份以現行各部門使用未整合的應用程式介面,更改資料的時間與透過晶圓流程管理系統(WFCMS),更改相同資料的時間做比較,評估工作效率。使用測試晶圓流程管理系統總共可節省41.3(分鐘)X120(人數) =4956分鐘(82.6小時)。由以上測試反應時間比較結果,晶圓流程管理系統(WFCMS)確實替公司節省很多人力操作的時間。在更新各部門的資料庫方面,使用程式自動更新,確實避免許多人工輸入造成的錯誤。未來晶圓流程管理系統(WFCMS)能提供更自動化的功能,期望達到無人工廠的理想。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAlthough the technology of the database has very great progress in recent years , in practice, it still lacks an effective systematic development approach. The structure of the database system has already changed from traditional centralized type into the distributed structure of the dispersing heterogenous type. Because the specific system requirement of each individual department, the tasks inside the enterprises is divided and every department develops its own specific database for departmental use. There is no consideration of information sharing and exchange. Nowadays, in the globalized competitive business environment, in order to grasp the prospects of their affiliated industries and pulsation of relevant enterprises, the request for integrating and sharing information is aggravated day by day. The heterogeneous databases inside the enterprises needs to be integrated. In the thesis, we design an integrated wafer flow control management system, abbreviated as WFCMS, which integrates the system of heterogeneity. The WFCMS adopts the Three-Tier Architecture Client, Web Server and DB Server. We use Java in the programming. We use Java Server Pages to develop the dynamic webpage in client side. Application server and database server are linked using JDBC. Client and Web server are linked using JNDI(Java Name and Directory Interface) mechanism. In order to reduce the number of times in the connection of server and database, the technology of Connection Pool is used in order to prevent the system from connecting with database frequently, for the efficiency. In the assessment of the system, we consider two aspects : the effectiveness and efficiency. For the first part, we write testing cases according to the logic requirements of all departments in the enterprise. Then, ask every department to test WFCMS according to the testing cases, and we estimate the logical correctness of data updates and data access. The logical correctness has already been up to 100%. The second part, we calculate and compare the time which the engineers use the original application interfaces without integration and using WFCMS with integrated and updated data. We find that using WFCMS saves 41.3(minute) X 120(the number of people ) = 4956 minutes(82.6 hours). We compare the result above, WFCMS really saves the time of the manpower who operates for the company. We use WFCMS updates data of every department automatically, which really prevent a lot of inputting mistakes caused due to manual work. In the future, WFCMS can offer more automatic functions, and expects to reach the ideal of unmanned factory.en_US
dc.titleA Wafer Flow Control Management Systemen_US


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