標題: 鉬金屬與PbO-B2O3玻璃之封接研究
The study of PbO-B2O3 glass to molybdenum metals sealing
作者: 江東峻
Chang-Pin Chou
關鍵字: 鉬金屬與PbO-B2O3玻璃之封接研究;The study of PbO-B2O3 glass to molybdenum metals sealing
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 摘 要 本研究以SEM、EDS、XRD及推拉力試驗機探討PbO-B2O3系玻璃對純鉬金屬之接合性質,研究結果顯示純鉬在450℃~700℃溫度下進行預氧化時,氧化率隨溫度上升而增加,其氧化物結構以MoO2+MoO3為主,且MoO3氧化物生成量與溫度成正比關係。當溫度超過700℃時,氧化層明顯發生昇華現象而影響試片厚度。另外三種不同之PbO-B2O3 系玻璃粉末於不同溫度與純鉬金屬的實驗中,以預氧化450℃封接溫度550℃可得到較佳之潤濕效果,而三種不同之玻璃中以LS-3051S 玻璃粉有較好的潤濕性。 在接合強度方面,無預氧化及450℃預氧化的試片具有較佳之接合強度,當預氧化溫度升高時,其接合強度則逐漸下降,主要原因係為MoO3氧化物生成致使強度下降,故欲得到較佳之玻璃-鉬金屬接合強度應減少MoO3氧化物的生成量。
Abstract This research is relevant to technology of PbO-B2O3 glass with SEM, EDS, XRD and push-pull scale to Molybdenum Metals Sealing. The oxidizing rate rises base on temperature when oxidize in advance under the circumstance of 450℃~700℃, The key of oxidation structure is MoO2 + MoO3, The MoO3 increase gradually according to temperature. When it’s over 700℃, The oxidize layer occurs the phenomenon of sublimation which can influence thickness obviously. There are three types of PbO- B2O3 glass powder in the process of experiment, We can get ideal effects of moist under the condition of oxidize in advance 450℃ and 550℃ sealing temperature. The LS-3051S is the most among three different glasses. In intensity of joint, Non-oxidized in advance and test-piece of 450℃ have the better strength of joint, The strength of joint decreases gradually when the temperature of oxidize in advance rise because of MoO3. The main reason turns into MoO3 oxide and causes the intensity to drop, Therefore, If we want to achieve perfect strength, We had better to reduce MoO3.


  1. 952501.pdf
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