標題: 唱片業共同配銷達成條件之研究-以個案公司為例
A Study on the Formation of Logistic Alliance inRecord Industry: For the Case of W Company
作者: 劉菁菁
Ching-Ching Liu
關鍵字: 共同配銷;後勤作業;策略聯盟;競合關係;唱片業;Logistic Alliance;Co-opetition;Record Industry
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 近年來台灣區的唱片產業在數位音樂以及盜版的影響下,實體音樂產品的銷售面臨急遽下滑的趨勢,在此產業生態變動而唱片發行公司的生存面臨極大挑戰的環境背景下,主要的唱片發行公司在倉儲、配送、收款等後勤作業已有策略聯盟的個案形成,本研究係透過個案研究的方式,針對參與公司在競合關係下的共同配銷考量因素進行探討,進而歸納出唱片業共同配銷的達成條件。 本研究透過深度訪談參與共同配銷個案成立之主要成員以及攸關的參與公司管理階層歸納出唱片業共同配銷的達成條件如下: 1.參與共同配銷的動機在於規模經濟以及分攤風險,策略夥伴的選擇條件在於合作經驗及規模。 2.參與公司僅能就非核心競爭力的業務範圍進行合作,參與公司基於對唱片產業後勤作業其特殊性及複雜性的共同認知,以共同成立獨立公司的方式進行合作而不委由第三者來處理其後勤作業。 3.參與公司的權利義務關係建立是基於公平的考量,參與公司與個案公司的管理機制目的在於維持其本身營運的獨立性。 4.共同配銷對於參與公司的內部影響為作業簡化、降低成本以及提昇內控,對於外部的影響為提昇與通路的協商能力及唱片後勤作業的效率。 5.參與公司的策略聯盟算是成功的個案,參與公司對於合作的現況均表示滿意,個案公司雖然在名義上為獨立公司但在發展上並無屬於自己的未來,完全取決於參與公司個別的營運及合作關係的演變。
Under the impact of digital music and piracy, the sales of physical music products have declined dramatically in recent years. Major record companies in Taiwan have built a strategic alliance in logistic field to face the challenge of environment change. This thesis is a research on the formation of logistic alliance in record industry by means of case study on W company. Through interviewing the members who anticipated in the logistic alliance project and the management team of the record companies in the case, this study concludes the conditions of the formation as following: 1.The motivations of the record companies to join the logistic alliance are the benefits of economic scale and risk sharing. The logistic cooperation experience in other territories and the company scale would be major criteria in choosing alliance partners. 2.The scope of the cooperation is restricted within the business not related to core competence of the joined partners. The complexity and specialty of record industry’s logistics made the joined partners form an individual company to achieve the objectives rather than outsourcing the logistics to third parties. 3.All the rights and obligations of the joined partners in the alliance relationship are base on the concern of fairness in the cooperation while all the management mechanisms between the joined partners and the new built logistic company are to maintain the independency of all the joined partners. 4.The major inner benefits of this logistic alliance are simplifying workflows, saving cost and improving the internal control of the joined companies. The outer benefits are to promote the negotiation ability with the sales channels and to increase the efficiency of record industry’s logistics. 5.Though the alliance is successful, the further development and future of the new built logistic company completely depend on the development of joined companies and the cooperative relationship between the jointed partners.
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