標題: 多方塊虛擬教具的開發與教學研究
Research on the development and teaching of virtual manipulative – Example of polyominoes explorations
作者: 王智弘
Chih-Hung Wang
Yuan Yuan
關鍵字: 數學;解題;多方塊;虛擬教具;mathematics;problem-solving;polyominoes;virtual manipulatives
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本研究主要是使用Flash開發一個可以提供國中數學教師進行多方塊組合教學活動的多方塊數學電子軟體學習平台,可以讓學生進行多方塊組合樣式的探索活動。進而依據學習相關理論,對學生實施多方塊組合課程之教學活動,來比較多方塊數學電子軟體教學環境與傳統教具教學的環境對學習者學習多方塊組合學習成就的差異,並從教學歷程中觀察學生解題策略的產生及多方塊數學電子軟體教學對學生學習的影響。 本研究採不等組前後測準實驗研究設計,以台北縣一所國中的兩個班級學生為研究樣本,實驗組的學生接受多方塊數學電子軟體教學,控制組的學生接受對等的傳統教具教學,並以研究者自行設計之多方塊組合測驗、學習單及心得及感想問卷為主要工具。實驗研究主要發現如下: 一、使用數學電子軟體教學和傳統教具教學對學生學習多方塊組合的效果具同等效果。 二、在數學電子軟體教學環境下學習多方塊組合的學生中,低分組學生比高分組學生有較大的進步空間。 三、在數學電子軟體教學環境下學習多方塊組合的學生中,男生學習表現比女生學習表現好。 四、多方塊數學電子軟教學時學生產生新的數學思維,並在解題策略上有所成長。 五、使用多方塊電子軟體教學確實可以提升學生的學習興趣。 最後根據研究結果與發現,提出若干建議以做為教師教學改進與未來研究之參考。
This study supplies a virtual manipulative of polyominoes exploration for the students and the mathematical teachers in junior high school in order to support teachers’ mathematical teaching and the student’s exploration. The virtual manipulative was developed by Flash. The purposes of this investigation compare with the diversities of teaching environment, the learning effects, the problem-solving strategies and influence of the students in the virtual manipulative and physical manipulatives. The study applied the nonequivalent–groups pretest–posttest quasi–experimental design. The samples are 60 second-year students from different classes in a junior high school in Taipei County. The researcher randomly selected one class as the experiment group and the other one as the control group. Students in the experiment group were taught by the virtual manipulative. Students in the control group were taught by the physical maniulatives. Major results of this study are as following: 1. The learning effect in experiment group is as effective as in the control group. 2. In the teaching environment of using the virtual manipulative of polyominoes, the low-achieving students have more promotion than high- achieving students. 3. In the teaching environment of using the virtual manipulative of polyominoes, the female students have better performance than male students. 4. The students’ new mathematical thinking and problem-solving strategies grow further when the researcher practice the virtual manipulative of polyominoes exploration in the class. 5. By utilizing the virtual manipulative in class, the students raise their interest in mathematical learning. Based on results of this research, suggestions for teaching and future study were provided.


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