Title: 臺北縣立國民中學教育管理效率探討-資料包絡分析法之應用
Educational Management Efficiency of the Public Junior High Schools in Taipei County: an Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
Authors: 江婉婷
Woan-Tyng Jiang
Dr. Jin-Li Hu
Keywords: 資料包絡分析法;教育管理效率;整體技術效率;data envelopment analysis(DEA);educational management efficiency;overall technical efficiency
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 本研究使用資料包絡分析法(DEA)探討臺北縣立五十七所國民中學教育管理效率,採用產出項學生人數、畢業人數二項變數,投入項為教職員工數、人事費、經常門支出、資本門、學校面積、教室數量等六項變數,研究期間為90年至92年三年,採三階段分析法,第一階段依國民教育法施行細則第二條以四十八班為準則,區分大、小型學校兩群體,分別探討其整體技術效率表現,第二階段找出兩群體投入與產出項的目標值,第三階段以兩群體投入與產出項的目標值再執行DEA一次,檢定大、小型學校兩群體效率值之差異,研究結果得知小型學校較大型學校無效率,並利用Tobit 迴歸來估計影響無效率之因素,以臺北縣教育視導九大區域以文山區為參考群體,研究結果以文山區為分界線,文山區以東為顯著無效率區,如瑞芳區;文山區以西為顯著有效率區,有新莊區、板橋區、三鶯區、三重區。
This study uses data envelompment analysis (DEA) to discuss the educational management efficiency of 57 public junior high schools in Taipei County. The outputs are the number of students and the number of graduates; and the inputs are the number of faculty and staff, personnel cost, regular expenditure, capital, campus area, and the number of classrooms. The research period is 3 years, from 2001 to 2003. This research is conducted in three stages. In the first stage, we divide the schools into large-scale and small-scale schools to compute their overall technical efficiency, respectively. In the second stage the target values of the inputs and ouputs of two groups are specified. The third stage is the second execution of DEA with the target inputs and outputs of there two groups. The Mann-Whitney U test then is used to examine the difference of the efficiency scores between the two groups of schools. Our major findings are as follows: 1.Small-scale schools are less efficienct than the large-scale schools. 2.Taking Wenshan District as the line of demarcation, we find that the east of it is the inefficienct area (such as Ruifang District) and the west of it is the efficienct area (such as Hsinchuang District, Banchiau District, Sanying District, Sanjhung District).
Appears in Collections:Thesis