DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorCHUNG HIS-HUANGen_US
dc.contributor.authorMAO CHI-KUOen_US
dc.description.abstract依據資策會MIC於 2001年3月統計資料分析:中華電信在2000年ADSL實際用戶約有11.3萬,待裝用戶約有6萬戶。因安裝不及,導致客戶從申請到安裝約需等1個半月左右,而不耐久候又退裝的用戶數接近3萬戶。 此一情景,不禁令人想起1997年政府開放行動電話前,中華電信因門號供應不足,使得民營業者有了最佳的切入點,而在1998年失去了國內行動電話龍頭的地位。因此,許多專家學者都認為: 2001年國內ADSL市場,中華電信似乎又提供新進固網業者一個良好的挑戰契機。 但此一危機,在該公司前董事長毛治國先生於2000年8月21日接任後,約1年的時間便順利獲得化解。該危機被化解的主要歷程,是毛前董事長在洞察公司危機根源所在後,立即建立員工的危機意識、提出明確的公司未來願景,穩定員工的信心,為即將進行之組織變革化解阻力。而該公司各執行機構亦積極配合總公司政策,進行提升ADSL裝機執行力之組織變革策略,並於2001年成功創造近10倍於2000年之用戶成長率,又在2002年突破100萬戶、2003年突破200萬戶、2004年突破300萬戶之佳績。 此一結果,可謂跌破當時專家學者眼鏡。因此,本研究就以此成功組織變革實例,與科特(John P. Kotter)教授之「企業成功轉型8 steps」實證理論作比較分析。經本研究深入分析比較發現:中華電信在提升ADSL裝機執行力進行之組織變革歷程,是與科特教授之實證理論大致符合。也發現;只要領導力策略運用得當,縱然一向被認為最沒經營效率之國營企業,亦可遵循科特教授之變革步驟,順利將企業轉型成功。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAccording to statistics from Market Intelligence Center, Institute for Information Industry dated March 2001, CHT provided ADSL service to about 113,000 subscribers in 2000 while another 60,000 customers were waiting for installation. Customer would usually have to wait about one month and a half before installation due to installation capacity did not match the demand. Some 30,000 customer-to-be withdrew subscription for out of patience. Such a scenario reminds the opening up of mobile phone market in 1997 when private telecom companies cut in by taking advantage of the shortage of mobile phone numbers provided CHT. As a result, CHT lost its leading edge in the mobile communication market in 1998. Judging from the situation of local ADSL market, quite a number of experts believe that CHT again provides a good opportunity for new fixed network communication players to cut in. Fortunately, such a crisis was dissolved about one year after former Chairman Chi-Kuo Mao took the office. The main processes of reconciliation include organizational changes initiated by Mao after perceiving the root of the crisis. He built up employees’ confidence by establishing consciousness of crisis and pointing out prospects of the company. The whole company followed the policy and started organizational changes to improve ADSL installation capacity. Through all the efforts, subscriber growth rate in 2001 was 10 times than that in 2000. The total number of ADSL subscribers exceeded 1 million in 2002, 2 million in 2003, and 3 million in 2004. Such a result was beyond all expectations. This thesis is an empirical study of this success story and “Leading Change” by John P. Kotter. Through investigation and comparison, it is revealed that the processes that CHT went through for improving ADSL installation capacity conform to the empirical theory proposed by Kotter. Moreover, a state-run business with low efficiency generally acknowledged can also be transformed successfully following Kotter’s procedures through appropriate strategic use of leadership.en_US
dc.subjectOrganization changeen_US
dc.title組織變革理論的實證研究- 中華電信每年百萬ADSL裝機計畫執行力分析zh_TW
dc.titleAn empirical analysis of organization change theory- The implementation of Chunghwa Telecom's one millionen_US