Title: 一個植基於歷程檔案的學習系統架構
A Framework of Portfolio Based Learning System
Authors: 林獻堂
Hsien Tang Lin
Shyan-Ming Yuan
Keywords: 學習歷程檔案;經熟學習;教室回應系統;學習狀態回報;Portfolio;Mastery learning;Classroom response system;Learning status report
Issue Date: 2006
Abstract: 本文提出一個以學習歷程為基礎的整合式平台,藉由這個平台的機制,讓學生,尤其是學習成效不佳的學生,可以得到課前、課堂、與課後的協助。知識經濟時代的來臨,使得知識成為保有個人與國家競爭力的必要條件之一。知識的取得可以透過學校中正規劃的學習,以及終身學習來達成。在這個資訊通訊科技發達的時代,知識的產生、累積、與汰換正以無比快速的步伐發生。這使得學校教育必須要提供讓學生可以得到更好學習成效的策略,讓學生可以具備更多知識。此外,更需要讓學生培養出如何學習的能力,使得學生離開校園後,可以透過終身教育與自我學習的方式,保有自我競爭力所需要的知識。 要達到這個目標,本論文所提出的方式為藉由下列的方式來達成。1:)課堂內老師與學生之間的互動性,會顯著影響學生的學習成效。老師會藉由各式方法來提高互動性,其中一種為藉助藉由教室即時回饋機制來提升教師與學生的互動性。本文所提出的策略有別於傳統的方式為:除了是非選擇之外,也具有其他的互動內容(如填充),以及提供個別化的協助與提醒。2:)以學習歷程來蒐集與記錄學生的學習狀況,此紀錄過程包括客觀的形成性與總結性評量,以及主觀的學習反思。本文提出以代表性的社交運算(social computing)平台─部落格來建置學習歷程,文中提出了Blogfolio的架構。3:)以學習歷程檔案的內容,對於學生學習的成效與方向,給予立即回饋,讓學生可以及時的修正自己的學習成效,也讓老師可以及時的介入。4:)補救教學是教學的重要一環,尤其在此教育普及,學生基本能力差異性比以往擴大的情形下,補救教學更形重要。本文提出透過網路化精熟學習的機制,讓學生進行補救教學,以達到學習的目標。5:)學生的學習歷程檔案,是一個最具代表性的內容,比起傳統的成績單或是老師評語更具代表性,因此本文提出透過電子簽章的方式,讓學生的學習歷程資料具有認證的能力,可以作為過渡到下一個時期,例如求學或是就業的依據。
In this thesis, a networked integrated learning platform on the basis of learning portfolio is introduced. Students, who have poor learning outcome, receive suitable assistance in pre-class, in-class, and after-class learning. Knowledge is one of the key factors to keep national and personal competitiveness in this knowledge economic era. Knowledge is acquired through formal education in school and lifelong learning after leaving school. The generation, accumulation and phase out of knowledge are in an ever fasting pace in this information communication technology era. As a result, school education should provide a system so that student gets a better strategy to promote learning outcome and learn more knowledge. In addition, students should have the ability of learning to learn, then they may have the contemporary knowledge to keep their competitiveness through lifelong or self learning after leaving school. To achieve the objective, an integrated learning platform is proposed in this paper, it consist of following approaches: 1:) The interaction in classroom significantly affects student’s learning outcome. Teachers sometimes promote interactivity with various approaches, one of which is classroom response system. In this paper, an approach differs from traditional one is proposed, it includes not only yes/no or multiple choices problem but also other forms (such as fill in blank). In addition, an in-class discussion called message loop is also introduced, it allows students and teacher make bidirectional discussion in an anonymous, convenient, and easy manner. 2:) A learning portfolio, which is an essential and central part of the proposed platform, is used to collect and record student learning situation. It consists of student’s learning reflection, homework assignment, quizzes, files, etc, and can be used for formative and summative learning. In this thesis, a portfolio framework based on blog, which is a social computing platform, called blogfolio is introduced. It has many advantages over traditional ones. 3:) A recommendation message inferred from learning portfolio is given to student; it reflects student’s learning effect and direction in time. So that student can adjust learning, and teacher may notify student learning in time. 4:) Remedial learning is an important part of teaching. In this thesis, a mastery learning approach is adopted to allow student gets mastering learning content after class. 5:) Finally, a learning portfolio represents a student’s learning outcome, and it is more authentic than traditional one. To allow students present this learning portfolio as an evidence of learning outcome and achievement when seeking a job or entering higher education system, a digital signature is attached on this learning portfolio for official certification.
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