標題: 適用於超寬頻脈衝通訊系統之脈波發射器設計
A Pulse Transmitter Design for Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband communication
作者: 鄒敦元
Tung-Yuan Tzou
Dr. Fu-Chiarng Chen
關鍵字: 超寬頻;脈衝通訊;發射器;UWB;impulse-radio;transmitter
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本論文描述一個適用於超寬頻脈衝通訊的脈衝發射器的設計和分析,整合了收發開關、創新的高階微分高斯脈波產生器和脈波位置調變器。並利用台積電CMOS 0.18 um製程來實作晶片並加以量測驗證。 在超寬頻系統中,脈波產生器由於是整個系統脈衝基頻信號來源,因此是發射器電路中最關鍵的部份,因為其所產生的時域波形在頻域上必須滿足FCC 所定的頻譜規範。本論文所提出的單晶片超寬頻發射器能夠產生有效率的高階波形,其頻譜符合美國聯邦通訊委員會所訂的規範並且傳輸不需要外加濾波器。模擬結果顯示輸出脈波的波型寬度 有430ps 和脈波振幅有58mV,在脈波重複頻率最高可達500MHz 下,皆能維持正常工作。而量測結果也驗證了電路的運作可行性,本脈波發射器有諸多優點如高對稱性、低漣波和高頻寬等特性,提供日後應用於單晶片收發機系統裡的一個方案。
The thesis presents the design and analysis of a novel integrated transmitter design incorporating a transmit-receive (T/R) switch, a new higher order derivative Gaussian pulse generator and a pulse position modulator (PPM) for use in an impulse radio ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) system. A fully integrated UWB transmitter is designed and fabricated using standard 0.18-um CMOS technology. A pulse generator is the baseband signal source of whole system in ultra-wideband system based on impulse radio, and therefore it is the critical part of the transmitter. The producing pulse shape in frequency domain must satisfy the FCC spectrum mask regulation. Our proposed single chip UWB transmitter can produce the effective higher order pulse shape whose spectrum is occupied under FCC limitation floor, and this pulse can be transmitted without any extra filtering. Our work shows that the pulse transmitter’s output pulse width is 430ps and pulse amplitude 58mV (peak to peak) up to pulse repetition frequency (PRF) 500MHz. The measurement results validate the circuit operation. The pulse transmitter has many advantages such as symmetry, low ringing and wide bandwidth characteristics and can be effectively used for single-chip transceivers.
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