標題: 雙頻帶雙轉換鏡像消除複數降頻器與寬頻吉伯特混頻器設計
Dual-Band Dual-Conversion Image Rejection Complex Down Converter and Wideband Gilbert Mixer Design
作者: 游勝文
Sheng-Wen Yu
Chin-Chun Meng
關鍵字: 威福;哈特利;鏡像;混頻器;寬頻;Weaver;Hartlry;image;mixer;wideband
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本篇論文分為三個主題,介紹應用於無線通訊的射頻電路。第一,利用複數混頻器與複數濾波器的威福-哈特利鏡像消除降頻器,威福-哈特利鏡像消除降頻器採用了低中頻架構並設計成雙頻帶系統。第二,結合Marchand Balun與吉伯特混頻器得到寬頻的電路架構。第三,介紹了次諧波混頻器、頻率倍頻器、微混頻器、單正交四相位降頻器與雙正交四相位降頻器。 本篇論文主要以TSMC 0.35μm SiGe BiCMOS與TSMC 0.18μm CMOS製程來設計雙頻帶威福-哈特利鏡像消除降頻器。利用TSMC 0.35μm SiGe BiCMOS與TSMC 0.13μm CMOS製程來設計寬頻的Marchand Balun之混頻器。最後,利用WIN 0.15μm PHEMT與MHEMT製程來設計高頻的混頻器。
In this thesis , we introduce three subjects about wireless communicational RF circuits. First, Weaver-Hartley image rejection down-converter using the architecture of complex mixers and complex filters is designed to reject image signals. The Weaver-Hartley image rejection down-converter using low-IF architecture is designed to be dual-band system. Second, Marchand Balun and Gilbert mixer are combined into wideband circuits. Third, we introduce the sub-harmonic mixer , frequency doubler , micromixer , single quadrature down converter and double quadrature down converter . The dual-band Weaver-Hartley image rejection down-converters are designed by using TSMC 0.35μm SiGe BiCMOS and TSMC 0.18μm CMOS technologies. The wideband mixers with Marchand Balun are designed by using TSMC 0.35μm SiGe BiCMOS and TSMC 0.18μm CMOS technologies. Finally, the high-frequency mixers are designed by using WIN 0.15μm PHEMT and MHEMT technologies.


  1. 364701.pdf
  2. 364702.pdf
  3. 364703.pdf
  4. 364704.pdf
  5. 364705.pdf
  6. 364706.pdf
  7. 364707.pdf

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