標題: 雙頻帶威福-哈特利鏡像消除接收機與超寬頻LR-CR正交相位降頻器
Dual-Band Weaver-Hartley Image Rejection Receiver and Ultra-Wideband Down-Converter with LR-CR Quadrature LO Generator
作者: 鄧雅惠
Ya-Hui Teng
Chin-Chun Meng
關鍵字: 威福;哈特利;鏡像消除;無線區域網路;超寬頻;正交相位產生器;Weaver;Hartley;image rejection;WLAN;UWB;quadrature generator
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本篇論文為因應現今無線通訊的應用,故分別設計應用在兩種常見通訊系統的射頻電路。第一種應用是結合低雜訊放大器以及具有鏡像消除功能的威福-哈特利複數降頻器而成的接收機;由於無線通訊網路的蓬勃發展,將此接收機設為雙頻帶,並配合低中頻架構以避開閃爍雜訊的影響。而為了製作成本的考量,利用TSMC 0.18um CMOS製程來實現此鏡像消除機收機,並由量測結果發現,此接收機在兩個頻帶中都能有超過50dB以上的鏡像消除比率。 第二種應用則是利用一個新式的正交相位產生器,配合馬爾尚巴倫的寬頻特性,製作了一個可以適用於超寬頻系統的正交相位降頻器。由於TSMC 0.35um SiGe HBT元件的截止頻率較TSMC 0.18um CMOS元件高,故將其用來製作超寬頻正交相位降頻器,並在輸出兩埠測得兩正交訊號的相位誤差低於2°,且輸出振幅誤差不超過1dB。
This thesis is divided into two parts. One part realizes a single-chip dual-band Weaver-Hartley receiver with high image rejection ratio for the Wireless LAN RF front-end. In order to lower the cost of the receiver, we choose a TSMC 0.18um CMOS technology to achieve a Weaver-Hartley image rejection receiver with a more than 50dB image rejection ratio for each band. The other part demonstrates a novel quadrature generator. Because the TSMC 0.35um SiGe HBT transistor has a higher cut-off frequency than the TSMC 0.18um CMOS transistor, the UWB I/Q down-converter is fulfilled in a TSMC 0.35um SiGe BiCMOS technology. With the wide bandwidth of the Marchand balun, the UWB I/Q down-converter whose IF I/Q outputs achieve an amplitude imbalance of < 1dB and a phase error of < 2° is realized for UWB applications.


  1. 358001.pdf

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