標題: 交流型電漿顯示器之氧化鎂保護層與面板特性之關係與研究
Relationship between MgO Thin Film Properties and Panel Performnace in AC-PDP
作者: 李偉誠
Wei-Cheng Lee
Sung-O Kim
關鍵字: 電漿顯示器;氧化鎂;面板特性;AC-PDP;MgO;Panel Properties
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 隨著電腦科技與網路普及所帶來對人類生活品質的衝擊,各樣具有輕薄短小、低耗功率等顯示器的需求越來越高,近年來更邁入大尺寸家用型電視市場。交流型電漿顯示器更成為家用型大型電視的最佳候選人。不需要背光模組的自發光特性、三十二至一百吋的大尺寸顯示畫面、輕薄懸掛式,以及高畫質電視等特性,都使得交流型電漿顯示器在這場家用大型電視的大戰中顯得格外的引人注目。然而,交流型電漿顯示器仍然有關鍵性的問題有待解決。烙痕現象以及顯示壽命以及消耗功率是現階段即待改善的關鍵議題。有鑒於傳統的交流型電漿顯示器對於氧化鎂保護層的特性以及面板特性之關係並無專門研究,在此我們將針對氧化鎂保護層對於烙痕現象以及面板表現的關係提出討論。 此研究的重點在於針對調整改氧化鎂在蒸鍍時的條件,並加以修正已達到產生出最佳化地保護層膜。以此提高其保護藉電層的功能與時效,以及進一步藉由其良好的特性提升電漿放電的效率,以達到改善交流型電漿顯示器在亮度、反應時間、消耗功率以及烙痕方面的缺點。
The impact of MgO thin film properties on the performance of AC-Plasma Display Panels (AC-PDPs) is described. In this study, MgO thin films in AC-PDPs are deposited by e-beam evaporation in which the oxygen flow rate and electron beam current are varied. Properties of PDP, including luminance, response time, dynamic margin, and color temperature, image sticking are characterized as a function of time in accelerated aging tests. Besides, both surface analysis and theory demonstrate that a PDP incorporating MgO films grown at reduced O2 flow rates provide improved panel properties due to a higher density of the MgO film, higher crystallinity and a uniform but relatively surface roughness. In this study, it reveals that MgO deposited with 10 sccm oxygen flow rate exhibits the highest thin film density compared to others. This high density MgO thin film with a uniform but relatively rough surface results in optimal luminance and good performance.


  1. 552901.pdf

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