標題: 營建工程投標遊戲之研究
Bidding Game for Construction Projects
作者: 張家豪
Chia-Hao Chang
Wei-Chih Wang
關鍵字: 投標遊戲;情境模擬;電腦輔助教學系統;Bidding Game;situation simulation;CAI
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 過去投標領域教學仰賴書本講義或師長解說,但由於涉及招標流程、工期成本與決策分析等多項知識,且學習者往往缺乏實際參與競標的經驗,導致其難以憑空想像投標情境,也因此造成學習效果不佳的問題。有鑑於近年來,資訊技術應用於教學方面的成效顯著,本研究針對投標領域電腦輔助教學系統進行文獻回顧,發現既有投標教學遊戲設計考慮的因子有限,且遊戲設計與投標現況落差太大,仍有改進空間。 本研究以政府採購法與投標相關知識為理論基礎,採用情境模擬的方式建立營建工程投標遊戲。遊戲步驟參照公共工程招標流程,並考慮成本、工期及人力等重要因子,設計隨機變數、假設參數及運算公式。遊戲進行時,將學生予以分組,由各組玩家代表不同營造廠,擁有各自的資金及人力,並於遊戲中進行決策以獲得勝利。為驗證教學成效,於去年底及今年四月將其實際應用於課堂教學,授課對象為交通大學土木所營建管理組研究生,並對其發放教學問卷,以利後續分析。本研究改善過往投標教學遊戲之缺失,建構「營建工程投標遊戲」,並利用情境化的教學方式搭配團隊合作與公平競爭的競賽模式,促使學生積極參與課程,提升學習效率。
The bidding field is concerned about many kinds of knowledge just like bidding process, construction cost, schedule controlling, and decision making etc. Because students often lack the experience of participating in bidding of the true construction projects, it is so hard to imagine the situation and understand the knowledge about bidding. IT is used in education field of civil engineering recently, and the benefit is obvious. This research focus on Computer-Assisted Instruction system (CAI) and find that the past bidding instruction games have some defects. This research builds up the Bidding Game for Construction Projects by the situation simulation method, and it is based on Government Procurement Act and the knowledge about bidding. The game steps refer to the bidding procedure of public construction. This research refers to the factors of cost, schedule, and manpower to design random variables, assumption parameters, and formulas. This research improves the defects of the past bidding instruction games, and uses the lively teaching method to make students participate the class positively.


  1. 653101.pdf

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