标题: 无线感测网路中行动感测器派遣演算法
Energy-Efficient Algorithms for Dispatching Mobile Sensors in a Wireless Sensor Network
作者: 张民宪
Min-Hsien Chang
Wen-Chih Peng
关键字: 无线感测网路;行动感测器;派遣演算法;节能演算法;wireless sensor network;mobile sensor;dispatching algorithm;energy-efficient algorithm
公开日期: 2005
摘要: 在一混合式之无线感测网路中,固定式感测器负责侦测事件的发生,
而行动感测器可以移动至事件发生点以便作进一步分析。行动感测器最耗能的操作即为移动,如何减少感测器之移动距离同时能让其完成任务为一富有挑战性之研究题目。若某些特定行动感测器一直被指派到不同的地点,他们的能量很快就会耗尽,并造成残存感测器之工作负担变大。在平衡各感测器之工作负担的前提之下,本论文提出一有效派遣行动感测器之演算法,并且适用于任意数量之可动式感测器以及事件发生点。行动感测器的数量大于事件发生点时,本论文将其转化为一最大配对数之配对问题(maximum matching problem),而在事件发生点大于感测器的数量时,我们将事件先丛集化,并将行动感测器分配到各丛集完成任务。为了减少感测器之间的讯息传输量,本论文提出一分散式演算法。模拟实验结果证明本论文所提出之演算法能够有效的延长行动感测器之系统生命周期(system lifetime)。
A hybrid sensor network consists of both static and mobile sensors, where the former is used to detect events while the latter can move to event locations for conducting more advanced analysis. By exploring the load balance of mobile
sensors, we propose an algorithm CentralSD to efficiently dispatch mobile sensors. Our algorithm is general in which the numbers of mobile sensors and events are arbitrary. When the number of events is no larger than that of mobile
sensors, we transform the dispatch problem to a maximum matching problem in a weighted bipartite graph. When there are only few mobile sensors to be dispatched to a large number of event locations, we propose an efficient clustering scheme to group event locations so that the maximum matching approach can be applied. To reduce messages incurred, we also develop a distributed algorithm GridSD. Extensive simulation results are presented to verify the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms.


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