標題: 新穎堆疊矽/鍺T型閘極複晶矽薄膜電晶體
A Novel Poly-Silicon Thin-Film Transistors with Stacked Si/Ge T-gate
作者: 謝佩珊
Pei-Shan Hsieh
Tien-Sheng Chao
關鍵字: 複晶矽薄膜電晶體;T型閘極;polysilicon Thin-Film Transistors;T-gate
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 多晶矽薄膜電晶體擁有高載子遷移率目前被廣泛地運用在主動矩陣式液晶顯示器開關元件,然而,在汲極端產生的強電場會造成嚴重漏電流和元件不穩地性,將會阻礙多晶矽薄膜電晶體在高效能積體電路的應用。造成漏電的主要因素是由於在汲極端附近的強電場經由顆粒邊界的受限載子引起場發射而使漏電上升。
Polycrystalline silicon thin-film transistors (poly-Si TFTs) are commanding increasing interest in the field of active matrix addressed flat panel display because the higher carrier mobility in this material compared with a-Si:H TFTs, which makes it suitable for the integration of addressing circuits in the displays. However, a large off-state leakage current and device instability caused by a high electric field near the drain junction are obstacles to the high-performance circuit application of the poly-Si TFTs. The dominant mechanism of the high off-state leakage current is known to be the field emission via grain boundary traps due to a high electric field in the drain depletion region.
In this thesis, we have proposed a new fabrication method of poly-Si TFT without a troublesome ion implantation or any additional mask. This device employs the stacked Si/Ge T-Gate to suppress the electric field. It was verified by the devices simulator that the electric field is reduced near the drain junction by the T-Gate structure.
We have investigated the electrical characterizations of the Si/Ge T-gate TFTs including the transfer characteristics, On/Off current ratio, off -state leakage, output characteristics and hot carrier stress. The results show that the Si/Ge T-Gate TFT give low off-state leakage, the suppress of floating body effect, good On/Off current ratio and better hot carrier reliability.


  1. 152001.pdf

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