標題: 以鋁鎵銦砷半導體材料發展新的固態雷射技術
Investigation of novel solid-state laser technologies with AlGaInAs semiconductor materials
作者: 黃仕璋
Huang, Shih-Chang
Chen, Yu-Fung
關鍵字: 鋁鎵銦砷;半導體雷射;固態雷射;飽和吸收體;AlGaInAs;semiconductor laser;Solid-state laser;saturable absorber
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 本論文是探討以AlGaInAs 半導體材料發展新的固態雷射技術。以週期性結構的量子井半導體材料作為增益介質以及半導體飽和吸收體。除了第一章的簡介和末章的未來工作,主要內容分為三章:第二章主要是以砷化鋁鎵銦(AlGaInAs)半導體量子井材料作為被動式1.06μm ,1.34μm Q 開關雷射中的被動元件,也就是半導體飽和吸收體 以產生高峰值功率(kW)的雷射脈衝。第三章主要是以砷化鋁鎵銦(AlGaInAs)半導體量子井材料作為被動式1.34μm 鎖模雷射中的被動元件,以產生短脈寬(~ps)的雷射脈衝。第四章主要集中在以光激發砷化鋁鎵銦(AlGaInAs)半導體量子井材料,以主動式Q 開關固態雷射作為光源,產生1.06μm 雷射激發半導體雷射產生1.36μm 和1.57μm,應用在光通訊以及人眼安全。除此之外,還以不同的激發機制(in-well pumping)達到功率優化的目的。
The author demonstrates the investigation of novel solid-state laser technologies with AlGaInAs semiconductor materials. A periodic AlGaInAs quantum well / barrier based on Fe-doped InP substrate can be a semiconductor gain chip and a semiconductor saturable absorber. In addition to the introduction and the future work, the main text were divided into three chapter. In chapter two, AlGaInAs saturable absorber with a periodic QW/barrier structure that can be used to achieve an efficient high-peak-power and high average- power passively 1.06 and 1.34μm Q-switched lasers. In chapter three, AlGaInAs QWs grown on the Fe-doped InP substrate was designed to be a saturable absorber for self-starting continuous-mode-locked Nd:YVO4 laser at 1342 nm. In addition to be a saturable absorber, the periodic quantum well / barrier structure also can be a gain medium in solid-state laser. We demonstrated an AlGaInAs QW/barrier structure grown on an Fe-doped InP transparent substrate was developed to be a gain medium in a room-temperature high-peak-power nanosecond laser at 1.36 and 1.57μm for optical communication and eye-safe applications.


  1. 152501.pdf

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