標題: 平板電腦系統下彩繪軟體使用者界面設計對於人像速寫創作影響之研究
The study of character sketch affected by the drawing software user interface design in tablet pc system
作者: 胡瀚仁
Han-Jen Hu
Dr. Tien-Chun Chang
關鍵字: 平板電腦;彩繪軟體;使用者界面;人像寫生;Tablet PC;drawing software;user interface;character sketch
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 平板電腦系統下彩繪軟體使用者界面設計對於人像速寫創作影響之研究 研 究 生:胡 瀚 仁 指導教授:張恬君教授 國立交通大學應用藝術研究所視覺傳達設計組 關鍵字:平板電腦、彩繪軟體 、使用者界面、人像寫生 摘要 本研究以平板電腦系統為研究平台。以彩繪響聲數位畫家為樣本,對於人像寫生創作活動進行研究。研究先導研究分為:相關文獻探討、彩繪軟體收集與使用者界面分析、實作訪談與評估等階段。 研究過程中發現, 數位戶外人像速寫,具有時間與空間等特性與限制。因此當以創作效率為評估重點時,則彩繪軟體使用者介面的使用性評估( 學習性、有效性、記憶性、錯誤率、滿意度)為創作效率影響的關鍵,此時彩繪軟體的功能設計則不需具有最佳功能設計的彩繪軟體,受試者挑選最佳使用度的彩繪軟體。當多樣表現創作內容為評估重點時,則使用者介面的使用度評估的高低,在此並不具有絕對的影響力。而當創作表現評估重點為:作品有效率並且要求多樣表現時,那麼此時的變因,就有可能回到使用者的身上,使用者必須用更多的時間去學習、適應具有完備繪畫功能,但在平板電腦上,不能立即具有高度使用度的彩繪軟體。也就是說彩繪軟體的使用度評估不一定是絕對的,而是有可能因為客觀因素-使用硬體(畫板螢幕的尺寸)或是主觀因素-使用者對於彩繪軟體功能,熟練程度以及描繪能力而改變。 研究者訪談質化以及問卷量化方式,對於彩繪軟體各部位使用者界面使用度進行分析,得到影響彩繪軟體使用度評估最高的「關鍵使用者介面」項目:主要畫面形式與配置、媒材工具…等工具列的形式與配置、色彩選用工具列的形式與配置、筆刷調整工具列的形式…等項目。本研究中發現,受試專家認為,目前平板電腦系統之下,對於人像寫生創作,並沒有表現完美的完全適用軟體。 根據樣本彩繪軟體之關鍵使用者介面評估結果,進行適用於平板電腦系統,人像速寫創作的彩繪軟體使用者界面概念模型。
The study of character sketch affected by the drawing software user interface design in tablet pc system Student:Han-Jen Hu Advisor:Dr. Tien-Chun Chang Institute of Applied Art College of Humanities and Social Science National Chiao Tung University Keywords: Tablet PC 、drawing software、user interface 、character sketch Abstract In this study, the researcher used tablet pc system as hardware research platform .The researcher take silent-digital artists for example to make a study of outdoor character sketch activities. The preparatory research procedure take into three main parts : paper research ; drawing software collection and user interface analyzing ; experts accessing and questionnaire . Through this noegenesis , the researcher discovered the time and environmental limitation make outdoor digital character sketch appear some salience : Working efficiency was mainly affected by the user interface usability .The evaluating particulars were : easy to learn ; efficient to use ; easy to remember ; few error ; subjective pleasing .The various of art expression was not mainly affected by the user interface usability but the drawing software’s efficacy .When working efficiency and art various were submitted at the same issue , testee in this study would spend more time to learn the complex drawing software to get the results that they want and improve the efficiency by practice more . The drawing software usability’s evaluation wasn’t absolutely accurate in character sketch creating activities but affected by the user’s hardware like digital art-board’s size or the use’s conversancy of using drawing software .In this study ,researcher discovered that there was not any perfectly suitable for character sketch activities drawing software .there were either too complex in user interface or lack of important nature media simulating abilities .In the end of this study the researcher would present the drawing software functional and user interface concept model .
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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