標題: 女性幸福人生概念中的家庭角色與工作角色
The Role of Family and Job in Women’s Idea of Good Life
作者: 陳怡安
I-An Chen
Yau-De Wang
關鍵字: 幸福人生之概念;女性;年齡;家庭;工作;子女;The meaning of a good life;women;marriage;children;job;age difference
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本研究的目的即在探討在女性的幸福人生概念中,家庭角色與工作角色的相對重要性,以及不同年齡的女性對幸福人生的概念是否有差異。研究中,以故事操弄18個女主角的工作、婚姻與子女狀態,其中6案例中的女主角的工作、婚姻與子女狀態為2好1不如意或沒有,另12 案例女主角之工作、婚姻、子女狀態為1好2不如意或沒有。工作、婚姻與子女狀態是研究中的三個組內變項,各分成三種實驗水準(良好、不如意、沒有),受試者之年齡 (未滿40歲、40歲以上)為組間變項。受試者為居住於台灣北部地區之女性49人(青年組28人、壯年組21人),年齡25-65歲,學歷均為大專以上。以個別實驗的方式請受試者對每一案例中女主角的人生幸福程度進行評價。之後,在6個2好1不如意或沒有的案例中選出一個最可以接受及一個最不能接受的女性人生,另在12個1好2不如意或沒有的案例中選出一個最可以接受及一個最不能接受的女性人生。最後再以訪談的方式請受試者說明她對本身之工作、婚姻、子女狀態的滿意度,及它們對自己整體人生滿意度之影響。資料顯示,不分年齡,台灣女性的幸福人生概念中最重要的構成要件,首要是婚姻,其次是子女,最後才是工作,顯示社會的變化並沒有改變女性對家庭與工作的看法,女性普遍不會把工作當成是生活或生命的中心。然年齡雖不會影響女性幸福人生概念中「婚姻 > 子女 > 工作」的優先順序,但隨者年齡與婚姻、子女的經驗,年紀較大的女性的確在某些見解上和年輕的女性有所差異,例如,對子女以及單身生活的想法,年長者反而比年輕者更加的與傳統要求不同,顯示至少在受過大專程度教育的女性中,隨著實際生活經驗的累積,她們的女性的幸福人生的內容是較多元的。
The purpose of this study was to examine the roles of family and job in women's conception of a good life, and the age difference in this conception. Three states (good, not good, none) of a woman’s job, marriage, and children were manipulated by 18 case stories. Forty-nine 49 females between age 25 and 65 were divided into “younger group” (age under 40) and older group” (age 40 or above). All of them were graduates of junior college or above and lived in the northern Taiwan. Participant were asked to rate the happiness of the woman’s life after reading a case story, and to choose a case that was most or least agreeable to themselves from a set of 6 cases (with 2 positives and 1 negative in their marriage and job), and a set of 12 cases (with 1 positive and 2 negatives in their marriage and job) respectively. Finally, they were interviewed to give a description of their own current condition of job, marriage, and children, and how these factors contributed to their life. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses of the data show that marriage is the most important factor of a women’s conception of a good life, followed by children, and job. Age makes no difference in it. However, qualitative analyses reveal that there are some small differences between two age groups. The older group showed greater concern for children and greater acceptance of being a working woman without marriage, nor child.


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