Title: 人格特質在網路消費者抱怨行為及服務補救期望上所扮演之角色
The Role of Personalities in Online Consumer Complaint Behavior and Service Recovery Expectation
Authors: 張巧真
Chiao-Chen Chang
Jen-Hung Huang
Keywords: A型人格;內外控;服務疏失;抱怨行為;服務補救;Type A Behavior Pattern;Locus of Control;e-Service Failure;Consumer Complaint Behavior;Service Recovery
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 過去許多研究多半在探討一般實體商店的消費者抱怨行為及服務補救之議題,顯少有學者針對網路服務疏失對消費者抱怨行為及其服務補望期望的影響作進一步的探討。本研究以網路服務疏失為背景,針對消費者個人的人格特質是否會對抱怨行為及服務補救期望造成調節效果加以探討。研究問卷發放320份於曾使用網路購物的消費者,詢問填答者對網路服務疏失發生時,其抱怨行為的可能反應,及對業者所做的服務補救之看法。由ANOVA分析指出,在程序型的服務疏失發生時,A型且為外控人格的消費者較易有主動向業者抱怨的行為產生,並且會期待業者給予心理上的服務補救方法來降低其不滿意的程度;另一方面,在結果型的服務疏失發生時,A型且為外控人格的消費者則傾向於從事積極性抱怨行為,並且希望業者能運用實質補償的服務補救方法來挽回消費者。此外,根據研究結果提出理論上及實務上之建議。
Although service failure and recovery issues have received considerable attention in the literature, these topics have received only limited attention in the context of online retailing. This study investigates the relationship between type of service failures in online environment and their effect on consumer complaint behaviors and service recovery expectations. In addition, we explore the impact of personality factors — in terms of Type A behavior patterns and external locus of control — on the relationships between e-service failures with consumer complaint behaviors and service recovery expectations. Data were collected by using a questionnaire from 320 respondents. Results of ANOVA analysis show that e-service process failures are more likely than e-service outcome failures to lead to voice responses of consumer complaint behaviors. For e-service process failures, consumers with Type A/External locus of control are more inclined to voice their dissatisfaction and more likely to expect an apology than are other types of consumers. For e-service outcome failures, they are more prone to present private responses and third-party responses than to voice their dissatisfaction and more likely to ask for a monetary service recovery than for a psychological service recovery. Practical and research implications are offered.
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