Title: 台灣農會經營休閒農業之競合策略研究-以新竹縣農會為例
Collaborative Strategic of Taiwan Farmers' Association in Leisure-Farming Business - A Case Study of Hsin-Chu County Farmers' Association
Authors: 林炳祥
Simon Lin
Prof. Po-Young Chu
Keywords: 台灣農會;休閒農業;競合策略;新竹縣農會;Taiwan Farmers' Association;Leisure Farming Business;Collaborative Strategy;Hsin-Chu County Farmers' Association
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 整體休閒產業的商機處處,不僅許多民間業者積極進入,掌握最多農業資源的農民亦已紛紛轉戰此一市場。政府以往的農業政策一向是偏重在休閒農場的設立輔導,鼓勵農民以5至20人成立產銷班組織並且共同經營休閒農場。雖有成功例子,但大多數農場均因規模不足、缺乏專業人才,商品未具特色、無行銷通路,無法與同異業整合,導致於面臨慘澹經營的窘境。由於休閒農業是一項包含農業生產、觀光旅遊、休閒養生、文化學習及生態體驗的綜合產業,未來的發展必須從提昇業者整體的經營管理的能力著手。然而這些同、異業者往往因活動規劃、資源利用不能協調或配合,造成休閒產業之實質效益無法提升。休閒農業業者如何有效合作經營及有效整合,成為休閒農業推動成功與否之重要關鍵。新竹縣農會已於九十二年起即與地區產銷班、休閒農場、民宿、餐廳等商家積極溝通協調,積極辦演產銷區域整合與農漁休閒旅遊發展的重要推手。鑑此,本研究探討TiTo網站如何與實體休閒資源結合成為休閒旅遊電子商務之平台進行研究。
There are numerous business opportunities for the Leisure-farming Tourism. Many start-ups have involved in this business venture as well as the originated agriculture organizations. Government policy has always encouraged local farmer to start with 5-20 persons to form a squad focusing on vacationing farm. Although there were few successful cases, but in general the vacationing farm proved to be an unsuccessful business model. Most of them were e mid size, lack of professional staff, immature product line and poor marketing channel. All the factors have resulted in an unsatisfied business performance.
Leisure-farming industries include related produce, sightseeing, healthy leisure, culture learning, and environmental experiencing. Their growth relies on the management might of proprietors such as business planning, resources sharing. The current situation was in fact a good example of poor cooperation, which prevents the industry from moving forward. Leisure-farming industries should try to forge an alliance, which will be a key factor toward success. Alliance proved to be a powerful organization to integrate the members to run business, those united activities includes advertising, instructional training, sales promotion, accommodation arrangement, travel scheduling, resources allocation, facilities management, travel complication mediating, security management, public relation, and other related issues.
Hsin-Chu County farmers’ association has played a very important role of collaborating with local farmers’ squads, vacationing farms, guesthouses and restaurants since 2003. The research proposes a platform business model by integrating a web portal, said TiTo, and physical resources to provide leisure-farming consumers total solutions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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