Title: | 台灣晚近新興社會運動:二次政黨輪替下的公民社會-「璞玉田」:都市主義與新農民運動(子計畫三) Urbanism and New Farmers$ Movements in Contemporary Taiwan |
Authors: | 莊雅仲 CHUANG YA-CHUNG 國立交通大學人文社會學系 |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Abstract: | 2010 至2011 的兩年間,各地農民聚集總統府前凱達格蘭大道示威抗議,這些被稱 為「凱稻」動員的農民行動弔詭地顯現出台灣社會的都市意識形態及其矛盾。本計畫以 新竹縣竹北市與芎林鄉交界的大型都市發展與土地開發計畫(所謂台灣知識經濟旗艦園 區計畫,或簡稱璞玉計畫)為例,探討當地農民如何認知與回應這個大型國家計畫,發 展自己的土地與社區論述,並集體地參與凱稻行動。 本計畫調查都市意識形態的展現與實現,希望可以建立某種批判性觀點來瞭解晚近 的農民行動。本計畫檢視都市意識形態如何促成竹北市的形成與擴張,又如何造成內在 的矛盾與衝突,農地在這個過程被圈換成新都市計劃用地,農庄則被拆除,農民於是消 失。高速鐵路新竹站(位於竹北六家)在2000 年代末期的完工更加速這個過程,強化了 竹北市作為新竹市的雙子城的科技都會想像。本計畫將探討璞玉計畫所在的竹北市最後 一個客庄(東海里)裡的農民,如何在雙核心科技城的建造過程中突圍,以行動實踐另類 的家園想像,並透過區域農民的結盟,構思另一種區域發展方略。 In the past two years, farmers from across the island have protested against the government’s policy of transforming productive farmlands into foundations of new high-tech parks and towns. They rallied and demonstrated in front of the Presidential Office building. These demonstrations show an urban ideology and its contradictions in the Taiwanese society. This research project examines how those farmers perceive these national projects for economic and urban development, attempting to make sense of the relationship of the dilemma of urbanism and farmers’ actions. I will develop a case study in Zubei of Hsinchu County to see how the city has proceeded into its present intricacy by disappearing a massive amount of farmland. This project will investigate the actions of the farmers in Donghai, Zubei who have tried to turn the tide by generating an alternative agenda for the future. |
Gov't Doc #: | NSC101-2420-H009-001-MY2 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/94018 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=2859078&docId=405967 |
Appears in Collections: | Research Plans |