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dc.description.abstract隨著高速鐵路即將完工通車以及各縣市捷運系統興建規劃,軌道運輸在國內整體運輸系統之重要性日益增加。相較於新穎的捷運以及高速鐵路,興建多年而龐大複雜之城際鐵路係由台灣鐵路管理局經營,面對高鐵通車以及交通環境改變造成之營運衝擊,台鐵局計畫推動都會區鐵路捷運化以及內部組織調整等多項措施。軌道車輛系統中,以動力系統之可靠度影響列車正常營運最鉅,然台鐵局車輛近年來出現故障率大幅增加之狀況,嚴重影響列車運轉以及營運,造成乘車民眾不便,都會區鐵路捷運化後,路線容量將更趨飽和,則車輛故障引起之營運影響將更為嚴重。 國內軌道車輛維修規劃仍以預防性維修(Preventive Maintenance)觀念為主,本研究引進以可靠度為中心之維修方式(Reliability-Centered Maintenance, RCM)於軌道車輛維修作業之改善。該方式起源於航空業,規劃維修作業時根據可靠度觀念,掌握系統中關鍵項目以及因素,將維修資源做有效率的分配,進而以可靠度為基準建立最佳的預防性維修計畫,同時可以兼顧系統安全以及降低維修成本。本研究以台鐵EMU500型電聯車之動力系統作為RCM分析對象,並藉由維修成本、時間尋求適當之維修階層,以作為台鐵局未來改善維修作業以及調整組織架構之參考。 研究結果顯示,EMU500型電聯車動力系統之關鍵維修項目為屬於高壓設備次系統之集電弓,採取預定年限模式之預防性維修策略進行維修規劃,並以最小成本為前提選定維修時距,其可靠度以及維修成本均優於矯正性維修;而以計算所得之維修時距以及成本為基準,進行維修階層分析,可得機務段層級進行集電弓維修作業優於機廠層級之結果,顯示經過分析選定並調整之維修工作,確實可以提升軌道車輛系統可靠度,並節省維修成本。未來可應用於台鐵各式具備完整失效資料之車輛維修作業,並可作為未來維修階層精簡之參考依據。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe reliability for the power system of rolling stocks is determined by the effectiveness and efficiency of its maintenance strategies. Recently, the increasing failures of the Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) power subsystem of Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA) have reduced the reliability of their service as well as the confidence of passengers. This study aims to analyze the potential of applying Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) approach to inspect the system reliability of TRA rolling stocks. RCM is a systematic approach to develop a focused and cost-effective maintenance plan. Based on the quantitative reliability measure, RCM can help to explore the maintenance significant items (MSI) and distribute the maintenance resource efficiently. By applying RCM, both the system safety and expense saving can be achieved through such efficient maintenance procedure. This study shows that Pantograph is the first-priority MSI in the power subsystem. Applying the “Replacement at Predetermined Age” maintenance policy, the replacement interval with the minimum cost can be calculated. Furthermore, the minimum cost replacement interval executed in intermediate level (I level) is considered better cost-effective than that in depot level (D level) via the analysis of repair level. Results of this study point out that RCM is applicable in analyzing the railway rolling stock maintenance planning and provide valuable reference for the maintenance management of railway system in Taiwan.en_US
dc.subjectReliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM)en_US
dc.subjectrailway rolling stocken_US
dc.subjectlevel of repairen_US
dc.titleApplying Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Approach to Repair Level Design for Railway Rolling Stocks - An Example of EMU Power Subsystem of TRAen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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