標題: 台灣太陽光電產業本土化核心競爭力之探討
Localized Core Competencies of the Photovoltaic Industry in Taiwan
作者: 賴建宇
Chien-Yu Lai
Chih-Young Hung
關鍵字: 太陽光電;太陽電池;本土化核心競爭力;Photovoltaic;Solar cell;Localized core competencies
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 傳統能源排放大量溫室氣體是造成地球暖化的主要原因,目前地球平均溫度已比20年前高0.2℃以上,環境變遷所造成生態浩劫之情況將越演越烈。因此再生能源之開發與應用,是人類永續發展之重要目標。在全球對再生能源需求逐年增加的情況下,由於太陽光電具有環保與易於安裝之優點,再加上商品化技術逐漸成熟,已成為先進國家發展再生能源之主要選擇,獲得各國政府計畫性的獎助推動。太陽電池生產技術與半導體產業製程技術相似,故本文探討台灣太陽光電產業如何利用我國半導體產業之雄厚基礎、優良的電力電子技術及研發人才與能力,發展成台灣太陽光電產業之本土化核心競爭力。一般在討論核心競爭力的時候大多只專注於核心競爭力的定義、概念、特性,構成要素等等,並將之運用在企業層面,探討企業成功之因素。但並未從核心競爭力的立場探討哪些核心競爭力具有本土化(Localized)的特性,使得核心競爭力成為某特定地區之某特定產業的特有競爭力。本文藉由文獻回顧的整理以及專家訪談探討台灣太陽光電產業的本土化核心競爭力(Localized core competencies)之架構,以Michael Porter的鑽石模型、Andrew Grove之六力分析、價值鏈分析與SWOT分析為分析工具,探討台灣太陽光電產業之本土化核心競爭力四個要素:「知識、人才與經驗」、「群聚效應、「策略聯盟」、「品牌與聲譽」,並提出台灣應如何整合現有競爭利基之競爭策略,以建立台灣於全球太陽光電產業之特有定位,發展成台灣獨有的競爭優勢。
The gaseous waste which is discharged by petrochemical energy is the main reason for the Greenhouse effects that cause climate changes around the world. The present average temperature of the earth is higher than that of 20 years ago. The environmental changes occurring at the moment is serious and will increase the likelihood of a great ecological calamity. Thus, the development and application of the renewable energy are important goals humanity must focus more on in order to live on. Mankind should make progressive strides to increase the annual usage of renewable energy. Because the photovoltaic (PV) system protects the environment, is easily installed, and is a maturing technology, it has become the primary choice which advanced countries have selected as their renewable energy source. Many governments have plans to promote and subsidize the PV system. Solar cell technology is similar to the technology for the semiconductors. This research focuses on how the PV industry utilizes the foundation, the electric and electronic technology, and the R&D capabilities which have been established by semiconductor industry, to develop the localized core competencies in Taiwan. In the past, literatures reviews have discussed core competencies that have been focused on definitions, concepts, characteristics, and key factors. However, the researches of the past have not discussed why some core competencies belong to some specific industries in locations. This research proposes how localized core competencies are the links between core competencies and local environments. This research establishes the structure of localized core competencies through literature reviews and interviews with experts in the PV industry. It also uses Michael Porter’s diamond model, Andrew Grove’s six force analysis, value chain analysis, and SWOT analysis to discuss the following localized core competencies: 「knowledge, human resource and experience」, 「cluster effects」, 「strategy alliance」, 「brand and reputation」. The research also suggests several industry development strategies based on that structure. The conclusion proposes several competitive strategies which can be used to develop unique competitive advantages in Taiwan in order to establish a unique position in the global PV industry for Taiwan.


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