Title: 生態意識消費與新奇追求對太陽光電採用意願的影響
Effects of Ecologically Conscious Consumer Behavior and Consumer Novelty Seeking on the Intention of Adopting Solar Photovoltaic
Authors: 王花蘭
Hua-Lan Wang
Edwin Tang
Keywords: 太陽光電;生態意識消費;消費者新奇追求;採用意願;Solar Photovoltaic;, Ecologically Conscious Consumer Behavior;Consumer Novelty Seeking;Adopt Intention
Issue Date: 2007
Abstract: 本研究限定已裝設太陽能熱水器的家戶為調查對象,主要目的在探討其生態意識消費 (Ecologically conscious consumer behavior, ECCB )和消費者新奇追求(Consumer novelty seeking, CNS)的傾向,進一步對太陽光電採用意願的影響,採問卷調查法及深度訪談法,問卷採紙本郵寄500份及網路問卷方式,合計回收有效樣本216份。 以驗證性因素分析(CFA)探討模式的信效度,資料分析採用複迴歸分析模式,經迴歸分析結果,年齡層屬41-50歲、高家庭月收入、曾付高價購置太陽能熱水器經驗並推薦他人採用太陽能熱水器之受測者,對太陽光電有較高的採用意願。生態意識消費和消費者新奇追求傾向愈高,對太陽光電採用意願亦愈高,並經路徑分析結果,生態意識消費透過消費者新奇追求的中介效果影響太陽光電的採用意願。 研究結論在實務方面提供台電公司為因應尖峰負載問題訂定需求面負載管理措施策略建議參考。
The purpose of this research is to investigate the trend and adoption of ecologically conscious consumer behavior (ECCB) and consumer novelty seeking (CNS) on households installed with the solar water heaters. This research received 216 effective samples from the total 500 mailed and Internet questionnaires and In-depth interviews. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Multiple Regression Analysis analyze the data. The result indicates that household consumers who will have higher intentions of adopting the Solar Photovoltaic are people aged from 41 to 51, with higher family income, previous experiences of buying expensive solar water heaters and willingness to make recommendations after use. The higher ECCB and CNS will lead to greater intention of adopting the Solar Photovoltaic. Additionally, by using the Path Analysis, the research found the CNS has mediating effect on ECCB to affect the willingness of adoption of Solar Photovoltaic. In practical aspects, the research conclusion provides suggestions to Taiwan Power Company with a strategy of the Demand Side Load Management in response to the peak load problem.
Appears in Collections:Thesis