Title: | 網路購物超商取貨之市場區隔研究 The Study of Market Segmentation of Online Shopping with Picking up at Convenience Store |
Authors: | 林于司 Yu-Szu Lin 馮正民 Cheng Min Feng 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 網路購物;超商取貨;市場區隔;自組織映射圖網路;重要度績效分析;Online Shopping;Convenience Stores Picking-up;Market Segmentation;Self-Organizing Map;Important-Performance Analysis |
Issue Date: | 2005 |
Abstract: | 網際網路帶動了整個網路購物市場之無限商機,資策會估計2006年台灣的網路購物市場將接近新台幣900億之市場規模,而2007年將突破千億,達新台幣1311億的市場規模。而統一超商與便利達康所提供之超商取貨付款機制乃係促使台灣網路購物市場成熟之重要因素,可見超商取貨之需求及重要性。且倘若消費者於網路購物後至超商取貨,將可增加超商之來店人次,進而增加顧客之消費機會。因此,吸引顧客至店內取貨儼然成為超商業者執行策略之重點。 網路購物超商取貨已為網路購物者之購物與取貨趨勢。為求吸引顧客之策略,本研究將進行顧客之特性分析,包含社經特性與生活型態特性,以擬定促銷策略吸引顧客至門市取貨。首先本研究依顧客可接觸超商數之不同進行顧客分類,而後依顧客選擇之取貨點超商(兩大超商體系之統一及便利達康)以自組織映射圖網路方法進行顧客市場區隔,並依其購買頻率定義目標市場之顧客群。而後本研究以社經變數與生活型態變數分析顧客之特性,並依據競爭對手之特性提出行銷策略。然而,吸引新顧客固然重要,但留住舊顧客所需之成本較低且容易,因此本研究採IPA進行服務品質之顧客滿意度分析,進一步改善服務品質以求顧客滿意並繼續購買。 本研究之結果發現,統一超商與便利達康之目標顧客群間均具有相同特性:以女性為主,年齡層約為25到39歲間,具公益導向之生活型態特性。另外針對舊有顧客之IPA分析結果指出,統一超商須立即改善之服務屬性為『簡訊取貨通知』,次要改善項目為『贈品』;便利達康之主要改善服務屬性為『取貨速度』,次要改善項目為『贈品』。 Online shopping and convenience stores picking-up is a trend of shopping and picking-up of goods for online shoppers. The purpose of this study is to analyze the market segmentation of customers and propose the promotion strategies by customers’ characteristics, which is defined by some of the demographic characteristics and life style characteristics. This paper first classifies customers by “number of pick-up stores available” and “the most often chosen store”, and then uses self-organizing map (SOM) method for market segmentation, in which the target market is determined by customers’ purchase frequency. Finally, the promotion strategies are proposed by customers’ characteristics. Since attracting new customer is important, and maintaining present consumers is easier and needs lower cost, an important-performance analysis (IPA) is then applied for generating service quality improvement strategies. It is found from this study that the target customers of 7-11 and CVS are similar, who are mainly composed by 25-to-39-year-old female customers and have the life style of caring for public interest. Meanwhile, according to IPA to present customers, 7-11 is suggested to improve its service of “notification message of goods arrival” first, followed by the service of “gifts for bonus”, while CVS is first suggested to improve its service of “in-store processing time”, and also followed by the term of “gifts for bonus”. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/79606 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |